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Hall to Introduce Bill Naming Port Jervis Post Office for Mayor E. Arthur Gray
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hall Honors a True NY Public Servant
Washington, DC – Tomorrow, on the centennial anniversary of the founding of Port Jervis, U.S. Representative John Hall (D-NY19) will introduce legislation to name the Port Jervis post office after E. Arthur Gray, a former Mayor of Port Jervis and New York State Senator. Hall was at the post office on Saturday, July 21, to meet with constituents as part of his “Congress on Your Corner” series that takes the services of his Congressional office to local communities.
“Mayor Gray was one of the Hudson Valley’s most involved community leaders,” said Hall. “I was at the Port Jervis post office just last week, and after being there I believe more than ever that naming the post office after Mayor Gray will honor his memory and years of service to his city.”
As a resident of Port Jervis, Gray gave his undivided attention to issues both large and small and was widely known for his open-door policy. Gray remains the longest serving Mayor in the history of Port Jervis, having served for five and one half terms. During this tenure he was able to reinvigorate the downtown area and greatly improve the city’s economic development plan.
Port Jervis residents remember Gray as a man who was generous in nature, and willing to help those in need. After finishing his service as Mayor, Gray maintained his commitment to public service by successfully running for a seat in the New York State Senate in 1988.
“Mayor Gray was a true public servant and deserves this honor,” said Hall.