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Hall to Hold Energy Independence Forum Featuring Biofuels June 9th in Warwick
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
-Hall to Bring Commuters, Farmers Together to Discuss Reducing Foreign Oil Dependency through Biofuels-
 - Continues Series of Energy Independence Forums -
Goshen, NY – With gas prices hitting record highs this summer, U.S. Representative John Hall (D-NY19) is continuing his series of events focused on reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil by hosting a public information forum spotlighting biofuels on Saturday, June 9th in Warwick.
“With Hudson Valley families being hit with exorbitant gas prices every time they fill up the tank, it is now more important than ever for us to be independent of foreign oil,” said Hall.  “If America is ever going to achieve energy independence, we must invest in new energy sources, including those our own farmers can grow right here in the Hudson Valley.  By growing our fuel in the U.S. instead of drilling for it in the Middle East, we can have energy that lowers fuel prices, strengthens national security, and creates new jobs at home.”
Two speakers at Saturday’s forum will discuss opportunities in biofuels for Hudson Valley farmers, and how they can produce crops used to manufacture biofuels. Switchgrass, for example, already is being grown and manufactured into pellets for stoves. For consumers, one speaker will explain how to purchase and burn biofuels for home heating, thereby saving on fuel costs. Another speaker will update the audience on efforts to bring E85, a biofuel-based gasoline, to stations in New York State and the Hudson Valley, where E85 stations are expected to open soon.
New York families are currently paying an all-time record high of $3.22 a gallon on average for regular gasoline, more than double the price when Bush took office, and up 89 cents from the beginning of this year.  Last year, families paid $1,000 more on average for gasoline than in 2001.  The six largest oil companies announced $30 billion in profits for the first quarter of 2007.  This follows the $125 billion in record profits they made in 2006.
“The approach to achieving energy independence and fighting record gas prices has to be two-fold,” said Hall.  “To combat record high gas prices now, I’ve helped pass measures in the House to stop oil companies and OPEC from price gouging and price fixing,” said Hall.  “To invest in America’s energy future, the House also voted to roll back $14 billion in taxpayer subsidies for big oil companies and reinvest them instead here at home in clean, renewable energy and alternative fuels like biofuels.”
Hall is the only New Yorker to serve as a member of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming in the House of Representatives.
“I believe Americans possess the creativity, innovation, and dedication necessary to achieve energy independence,” Hall said.  “It’s my hope that these forums will help the Hudson Valley become a leader in the production and use of biofuels and other new fuels.  We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and bring down the high cost of gas and fuel oil, because it is hitting families where it hurts – in their pocketbooks.”
Projections estimate that biofuels can be produced at wholesale prices as low as $0.59 per gallon in less than 10 years.  Wholesale prices for gasoline have averaged $0.91 per gallon over the last several years. In addition, the Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that extensive replacement of gasoline with biofuel could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.7 billion tons per year.
Hall’s first energy independence forum, “Harvesting Wind Power for the Hudson Valley,” was held April 9th in Beacon.  Hall plans to host future events highlighting solar, hydro and geothermal energy sources.
Saturday’s public event will open with a report from Hall on Congressional efforts to promote energy independence and invest in renewable energy, especially biofuels.  After introductory remarks from the forum’s moderator, Michael Sweeton, Warwick Town Supervisor, four biofuels experts will give presentations on biofuels in the Hudson Valley, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.
The guest speakers and topics will include:

• Mark Doyle, Dutchess County Farm Manager: “Home Grown Grasses for Biofuels”
• Joseph Heller, U.S. Department of Agriculture: “From Farm to Furnace”
• Jerry Robock, Sprague Energy/Community Biofuels LLC/Hudson Valley Biofuel Cooperative: “How To Burn Biofuels at Home”
• Paul Coco, U.S. Department of Agriculture: “E85 Comes to the Hudson Valley”
Saturday, June 9, 2007
2 – 3:30 pm  Hall Energy Independence Biofuels Forum
                       Warwick Town Hall
                       132 Kings Highway
                       Warwick, NY 10990