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Statement from Congressman John Hall on Re-licensing Application for Indian Point
Monday, April 30, 2007
Congressman Hall released the following statement on Entergy Nuclear Northeast Corporation's application for a 20 year relicense for Indian Point nuclear power plant:
“It is clear from today’s announcement that despite a string of serious problems, mishaps and emergency reactor shutdowns at Indian Point, Entergy is dead set on pushing forward with re-licensing regardless of ongoing concerns about public safety.  It defies reason that an effort to re-license the plant for twenty more years is underway while radioactive material continues to leak from its spent fuel pools and the company is facing a $130,000 fine for failing to have working sirens.  Indian Point’s proximity to New York City makes it a prime terrorist target, and the impact of a safety or security incident at the plant would be nothing less than catastrophic.  It is absolutely necessary for the NRC to hold hearings early and often in the communities surrounding Indian Point so it can hear firsthand about the threats created by the plant’s poor record.  The NRC should also immediately take steps to conduct an Independent Safety Assessment at the plant, to make the results available to the public, and to make compliance with the assessment a mandatory condition of re-licensing.  The stakes are too high to do anything less.”