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Gov. Spitzer Joins Forces with Congressman Hall and Hudson Valley Congressional Delegation to Call for Independent Saftety Assessment of Indian Point
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Governor Eliot Spitzer joined with Congressman John Hall and New York’s Hudson Valley members of Congress, including Congressman Maurice Hinchey, Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Congressman Eliot Engel, Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in calling on Dale Klein, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), to order an Independent Safety Assessment (ISA) at Indian Point Energy Center before the plant is re-licensed.
In his letter to Chairman Klein, Governor Spitzer detailed the issues plaguing the Indian Point facility and the need for swift action on the part of the NRC.
"I continue to be gravely concerned about the safety and security of Indian Point, especially given the recent operational problems at the plant,” said Governor Spitzer. “Public safety must be our foremost concern and for that reason it is imperative that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission conduct an Independent Safety Assessment to fully review the facility before it is re-licensed.”
Governor Spitzer endorsed H.R. 994 and S. 649, and commended Congressman Hall for his leadership in introducing the legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.  He lauded the dedication of the bill’s co-sponsors: Hinchey, Lowey, and Engel and Senators Schumer and Clinton for introducing a companion Senate bill.
On February 12th Congressman Hall introduced legislation, co-sponsored by Hinchey, Lowey and Engel, requiring the NRC to oversee an in-depth independent inspection at Indian Point.  Hall’s bill, H.R. 994, would also require that the plant comply with the ISA recommendations or be denied a license extension in 2013.  Senators Schumer and Clinton reintroduced a companion bill (S.649) in the Senate.
On Monday the NRC fined the owners of Indian Point, Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc., $130,000 for failing to meet last week’s deadline for a new emergency siren plan.
Congressman John Hall said, “Indian Point is the nation’s most problematic power plant in the nation’s most densely populated corridor. With 8% of the population of the United States within a 50 mile radius of the plant, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needs to give this plant the special attention it requires. Entergy's inability to install a functioning alert system and the seemingly weekly string of mishaps at Indian Point make it clearer than ever that the NRC needs to conduct an Independent Safety Assessment before allowing this plant to get re-licensed.”
Congressman Hinchey said, “I am very pleased that we continue to make strides in our efforts to convince the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to agree to an Independent Safety Assessment at Indian Point. The recent shut downs and siren failures at Indian Point clearly show that the plant is not functioning properly, which is why we desperately need a thorough safety examination of the plant that would then lead to improvements.  The NRC must act soon before an accident with greater consequences occurs.”
Congressman Engel said, “Today Governor Spitzer continues his leadership and his willingness to take on industries that threaten the well being of New Yorkers. Only a truly independent assessment will give our residents any hope of feeling safe with Indian Point in their backyard.”
Senator Chuck Schumer said, “When it comes to nuclear safety and security, we expect the highest standards. Safety must be the number one priority, that’s why we need an independent investigation.”
Senator Clinton said, “I applaud Governor Spitzer for joining the call for an Independent Safety Assessment at Indian Point.  It’s time for the NRC and Entergy to heed the call that is echoing throughout the community and only gets louder as more incidents occur. It is way past time for the NRC to undertake a detailed, independent review of the plant to answer the questions that more and more New Yorkers have about the safety of the plant.”
Deputy Secretary for Public Safety, Michael Balboni said, “The state continues to work with the counties in the emergency planning zones as well as the federal government to ensure that we are doing everything possible to ensure the security of the plant during its operation.  The Governor has indicated that he would support the closure of Indian Point at such a time when alternative energy sources are developed and which meet the energy needs of the region.  Until that time, we must do all that we can to make sure that the Indian Point facility complies with all federal laws and regulations and is operated as safely as possible.”
Last week, Governor Spitzer established an energy conservation goal that is the most ambitious in the nation. The plan focuses on energy efficiency, conservation, and investment in renewable energy sources as the keys to achieving economic and environmental goals.