U.S. Senator Evan Bayh - Serving the People of Indiana

National Security

National Security
"We need a national security policy that is both tough and smart."
— Senator Evan Bayh

A member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Bayh is one of Congress’ most respected voices on a wide range of national security issues. He has championed legislation to confront the most serious security threats of our time, including terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and volatility in the Middle East, as well as championing efforts to strengthen homeland security and our intelligence programs.

Keeping America Safe

More than seven years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the United States continues to be targeted by small bands of violent Islamic extremists intent on perpetrating mass casualty civilian attacks on our soil. To guard against this threat, Senator Bayh advocates using all tools of national power to isolate terrorists and hamper their recruitment efforts.To that end, he introduced the Success in Countering Al Qaeda Reporting Requirements Act of 2009, which would require an annual comprehensive report on the status and the level of progress of U.S. counterterrorism efforts to combat and defeat Al Qaeda and its affiliates.

Senator Bayh has cosponsored bipartisan legislation to expand international education programs to encourage civil society in places where government is not responsive to the needs of its people. He cosponsored legislation in 2006 calling upon Congress to fully implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. He has also pushed to distribute anti-terrorism funding to state and local governments based on risk factors. And he has led efforts to more closely scrutinize cargo at our ports to monitor for explosives and dangerous shipments.

Nuclear Non-proliferation

Senator Bayh has urged President Obama to put nuclear nonproliferation at the top of his energy-security agenda. Senator Bayh believes the United States must exert global leadership to keep the world’s most dangerous weapons away from its most dangerous people. Nuclear arms falling into the hands of a terrorist group or rogue state constitutes the gravest threat to global security. Senator Bayh supports enhanced efforts to safeguard nuclear materials at the source. He has called for expanding the Nunn-Lugar program to dismantle and safely store “loose nukes” in the former Soviet Union and elsewhere, and he has cosponsored legislation to help our allies detect and interdict nuclear bomb-making components. Senator Bayh also favors strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to confront non-compliance by Iran.

Deterring Iran

Iran is the world’s most active state sponsor of terrorism and continues to pursue nuclear weapons production capacity in defiance of the international community. The Tehran regime seeks to undermine regional stability by arming, training and assisting violent extremists, while simultaneously suppressing civil society and democracy activists at home.

Senator Bayh has led efforts to aggressively confront the Iranian threat. In February 2005, he championed a bill to keep all sanctions, controls and regulations against Iran in place until the President certifies that Iran has verifiably dismantled its WMD programs. In 2006, Senator Bayh introduced a resolution calling on the Bush administration to enact a series of aggressive sanctions against Iran for its proliferation activities. In 2007, he cosponsored the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act, which strengthened existing sanctions and imposed new penalties on Iran. He also introduced the Iran Human Rights Act, which would establish a special envoy to improve human rights in Iran. In 2008, Senator Bayh introduced a resolution outlining steps Congress and the executive branch should take to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability.

Most recently, he has led efforts to pressure the Iranian government to discontinue its nuclear materials production program through tougher economic sanctions that would choke off refined petroleum imports into Iran, the second-largest importer of gasoline in the world. Senator Bayh recently advanced a measure, part of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act, that would give state and local governments clear authority to divest from companies that provide Iran with refined oil and liquefied natural gas.

Defending Israel

Senator Bayh is committed to maintaining an enduring alliance between Israel and the United States. He advocates a Middle East peace that provides security for the Israelis and the Palestinians. A frequent traveler to Israel and neighboring countries, Senator Bayh understands that there can be no peace without a true commitment to security by all sides. He believes the United States must support capacity building, good governance and rule of law in the Palestinian territories, while isolating groups that reject Israel’s right to exist and advocate violence to advance an extremist agenda.

Since entering the Senate nearly a decade ago, Senator Bayh has cosponsored many important legislative initiatives that defend Israel’s right to exist in safety and security. In the wake of recent conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, Senator Bayh became an original cosponsor of a resolution recognizing the right of Israel to defend itself against attacks from Gaza and reaffirming the United States' strong support for Israel in its battle with Hamas. In 2006, he cosponsored a resolution condemning Hezbollah and Hamas and their state sponsors for initiating hostilities against the Jewish state, while supporting Israel’s exercise of its right to self-defense. He also cosponsored the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act that outlined a peaceful, two-state solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

International Nuclear Fuel Bank

To provide a safe supply of civilian nuclear energy to developing countries and deter nations seeking atomic weapons under its guise, Senator Bayh teamed with fellow Indiana Senator Richard Lugar to pass legislation and secure funding for an international nuclear fuel bank. Last December, Congress approved the creation of the fuel bank under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The bank would help ensure that nations seeking civilian nuclear power have an affordable supply of nuclear fuel to meet their peaceful energy needs. It would ensure that nations have access to civilian nuclear power so long as they are willing to abide by conditions that protect global security. To participate, nations must agree to forgo enriching uranium and submit to rigorous inspections of their civilian reactors. Foreign governments that refuse fuel bank services would come under immediate suspicion about their true nuclear intentions.

Strong Domestic Defense Industry

Senator Bayh believes we should never be reliant on foreign countries for sensitive U.S. military weapons components. In 2003, the Bush administration off-shored to China the domestic production of special magnets used to guide precision military smart bombs. Previously, high-performance military magnets were produced by a U.S. company called Magnequench in Valparaiso, Indiana. Today, the Pentagon must buy these weapons parts from Beijing as a result of the Chinese acquisition. In response to this fiasco, Senator Bayh has pushed for more robust security reviews when foreign investors seek to acquire U.S. companies that possess sensitive military components. He successfully fought to expand the specialty metals clause in the 2008 Department of Defense reauthorization bill to counter Chinese efforts to corner the market on other high-performance magnets. He continues to work to ensure our service members have access to the best tools and technology available to keep our military strong.

Course Change in Iraq

Senator Bayh believes a careful disengagement out of Iraq to be the most responsible path for the United States. Strategic redeployment of our forces is the only way to put the burden on Iraqis to do what only they can do—suppress civil violence and make the tough political decisions necessary to establish a functioning democracy. Such a course change will make America safer by allowing our military leaders to focus needed resources and attention on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. In 2008, as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Bayh pressed U.S. intelligence agencies to assess candidly the impact of a drawdown of American troops on conditions in Iraq. He introduced bipartisan legislation in 2007 to help forge consensus in the Senate for a new strategy in Iraq. He also added language to the 2006 National Defense Authorization Act requiring more candid assessments of the situation on the ground in Iraq, including a mandate to include new reporting requirements that reflect the consensus judgments of the U.S. intelligence community.

Iraq Reconstruction Funding 

Since 2003, American taxpayers have funded more than $50 billion for Iraqi reconstruction. In 2008, Senator Bayh led efforts to transfer Iraqi reconstruction responsibility from U.S. taxpayers to the Iraqi government, which was sitting on a record surplus of as much as $79 billion. Senator Bayh worked with members of both parties to ensure that the measure was included in the 2009 National Defense Authorization bill and passed into law. 

Bayh’s provision ensured that that the government’s past practices of giving blank checks to Baghdad finally stopped. This legislation put the onus on the Iraqis to spend their own surplus to rebuild their country and train their military, banning the use of U.S. taxpayer funds for major reconstruction projects in Iraq costing more than $2 million. In addition, all Iraqi reconstruction projects costing more than $1 million must be certified by the secretary of defense before U.S. taxpayer dollars are allocated. Senator Bayh’s provision helps protect U.S. taxpayer funds and ensures the Iraqi government has a stake in rebuilding its own country.

Demanding Accountability from Saudi Arabia

As an original cosponsor of the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act, Senator Bayh has a long track record of demanding accountability from Saudi Arabia in deterring the terrorist threat to our homeland. His legislation required a total cessation in Saudi support for institutions that fund, train, incite, encourage, aid or abet terrorism, as well as full Saudi cooperation in the investigation of terrorist incidents. Senator Bayh believes the United States must continue to cultivate a pragmatic relationship with Saudi Arabia while encouraging the Kingdom toward moderation, tolerance and a more open civil society. Senator Bayh is encouraged by steps being taken inside the Kingdom but believes more must be done.

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  • Senator Bayh Urges Tough Sanctions on Iran in an Interview with MSNBC's Carlos Watson »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses Intelligence and National Security on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer »
  • Senator Bayh Testifies at Dr. Susan Rice's Confirmation Hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations »
  • Senator Bayh Talks about the Economic Recovery Plan and Developments in Afghanistan with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell »
  • Senator Bayh Questions Army Secretary Geren on Sgt. Gerald Cassidy and Veterans' Health Care at the Armed Services Committee »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses North Korea's Leadership with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses Closing Guantanamo Bay on MSNBC »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses U.S. Missile Defense on Fox News »
  • Senator Bayh Details the Need to Change our Military Structure with Dan Rather »
  • Senator Bayh Advocates for Fiscal Discipline in Health Care Reform, Discusses Iran Sanctions Bill with Fox News' Sean Hannity »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses the Iranian Election on Fox News Sunday- Part One of Two »
  • Senator Bayh Introduces a Bill to Impose Tough, New Sanctions on Iran »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses Iraq and the Global War on Terror with BBC News »
  • Senator Bayh Praises Obama's Approach to Iran with MSNBC's Ed Schultz »
  • Senator Bayh Chairs a Hearing of the Senate Banking Committee on Iran Sanctions »
  • Senator Bayh Discusses the Iranian Election on Fox News Sunday- Part Two of Two »
  • Senator Bayh Praises President Obama's Cairo Speech on the Ed Show »
  • The Bayh Bulletin

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