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Protecting Gun Rights

The Bill of Rights was intended to protect our fundamental freedoms from encroachment by a corrupt or tyrannical government. Never could our founders have imagined more than 200 years later that the right they listed second among the Bill of Rights—the right to bear arms—would be eroded or attacked.

The Second Amendment which clearly states, “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” It is one of our nation’s most fundamental and vital protections. There is no clause restricting or qualifying this right, or limiting it to target practice and hunting. The right to defend one’s self and one’s family applies to every American.

Congressman Lamborn recently led a congressional effort to oppose regulations proposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These would have expanded prohibitive and unnecessary protections provided to employees engaged in the manufacture, storage, sale, transportation, handling, and use of explosives, including small arms ammunition. As a result of these efforts, OSHA decided against a one size fits all approach harmful to the gun industry.

He is continuing the fight against liberal interpretations of the Constitution by judges and lawmakers that infringe upon our gun rights. He opposes gun owner databases, restrictions on weapons based on appearance, and discrimination against handguns.

Congressman Doug Lamborn received an “A+” grade by the NRA for 2008.