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Updated 21 September 2005

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
Draft for Public Comment
September 2005



See also:

Public Comments on Draft Strategic Plan (posted 21 Dec 2005; see announcement).

Invitation to Review the Draft Strategic Plan

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[Note: With expiration of the public comment period, comments no longer are being accepted.]

Instructions for Submission of Comments

[Note: With expiration of the public comment period, comments no longer are being accepted.]

Thank you for participating in the review process for the CCTP Strategic Plan.

In your review, CCTP asks that you provide your perspective on the content, implications, and challenges outlined in the Plan, as well as any suggestions for alternative approaches you may wish to have considered by policy makers and resource managers.   CCTP asks that you comment on any inconsistencies within or across chapters, and/or omissions of important topics.   For any shortcomings that you may note in the draft, we ask that you propose specific remedies.   To participate in the review, it is not necessary that you review the entire Plan.

CCTP requests that your comments be submitted by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 2, 2005.   All comments submitted by the due date will be catalogued and posted on this web site for public review.    No comment will be attributed to any commenter, but CCTP intends to make available a list all commenters and their affiliations.  

Please follow the instructions for preparing and submitting your review.  By using the format guidance described below, you will facilitate CCTP’s processing of reviewer comments and ensure that your comments are considered.  Please note that any responses with inserted “Comments” on the PDF files, or redlined or “track change” style comments shown on excerpts from the Plan, will not be accepted.  An example of the format is provided below. 

  • Select the chapter(s) or sections of chapters which you wish to review. It is not necessary that you review the entire plan. In your comments, please consider the following types of comments:
    • Overview : overview on the content, implications, and challenges outlined in the plan;
    • Agreement/Disagreement : areas of agreement and disagreement, as appropriate;
    • Suggestions : suggestions for alternative approaches, if appropriate;
    • Inconsistencies : inconsistencies within or across chapters;
    • Omissions : omissions of important topics;
    • Remedies : specific remedies for identified shortcomings of the draft plan;
    • Stakeholder climate information : type of climate and global change information required by representative groups;
    • Other: other comments not covered above.
  • Please do not comment on grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Professional copy editing will correct deficiencies in these areas for the final draft.
  • Use the format guidance that follows for organizing your comments.
  • Submit your comments, at any time, but not later than November 2, 2005, by email, to:   CCTP_StratPlan_Review@    

Format Guidance for Comments

All comments will be catalogued and may be made available, but no comment will be linked or attributed to any reviewer.  

Commenter Information

Please assist us by providing information about yourself on the first page of your comments.   Please provide (a) your name(s); (b) organization(s); (c) area of expertise(s); (d) mailing address( es); (e) telephone and fax numbers; and (f) e-mail address( es).

Overview Comments

  • Overview comments on the Plan, in general, or one more chapters, in particular, should follow your background information and should be numbered in sequence.

Specific Comments

  • General comments should come first, labeled as “general comments.”
  • Comments that refer to specific pages, paragraphs or lines of the chapter should follow your general comments.   Each of these should identify the page and line numbers to which they apply.  These identifications will enable CCTP to catalogue and sort comments in order, and facilitate revisions.  
  • Comments that refer to a table or figure should identify the table or figure number.  In the case of tables, please also identify the row and column to which the comment refers.
  • Order your comments sequentially by page and line number.

Sample Format for Comments

I. Commenter Information (submit only once)

Name(s):   John Doe
Organization(s): University College
Mailing Address( es): 101 1 st Street, New York, New York, 10001
Phone(s): 800-555-5555
Fax( es): 800-555-6666
Area of Expertise: Coal Combustion Technology

II. Overview Comments on Chapter 5: Reducing Emissions from Energy Supply

First Overview Comment:   (Comment)

Second Overview Comment: (Comment)

III. Specific Comments on Chapter 5: Reducing Emissions from Energy Supply

Page 57, Line 5: (Comment)

Page 58, Line 32 - Page 59, Line 5: (Comment)

Table 1-4, Row 3, Column 6: (Comment)

Please send comments by email to: CCTP_StratPlan_Review@

[Note: With expiration of the public comment period, comments no longer are being accepted.]

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