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Recovery Act: States' Use of Highway Infrastructure Funds and Compliance with the Act's Requirements
GAO-09-926T, July 31, 2009
Reverse Mortgages: Policy Changes Have Had Mostly Positive Effects on Lenders and Borrowers, but These Changes and Market Developments Have Increased HUD's Risk
GAO-09-836, July 30, 2009
Grants Management: Has Systematic Weaknesses That Require Attention
GAO-09-589, July 15, 2009
Formula Grants: Census Data Are among Several Factors That Can Affect Funding Allocations
GAO-09-832T, July 9, 2009
Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses
GAO-09-829, July 8, 2009
Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses
GAO-09-831T, July 8, 2009
Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses (Appendixes)
GAO-09-830SP, July 8, 2009
Coast Guard: Observations on the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget and Related Performance and Management Challenges
GAO-09-810T, July 7, 2009
Recovery Act: The Department of Transportation Followed Key Federal Requirements in Developing Selection Criteria for Its Supplemental Discretionary Grants Program
GAO-09-785R, June 30, 2009
High Speed Passenger Rail: Effectively Using Recovery Act Funds for High Speed Rail Projects
GAO-09-786T, June 23, 2009
Ensuring Accountability in a Time of Financial and Fiscal Stress
GAO-09-847CG, June 23, 2009
The Recovery Act and TARP: GAO's Oversight Role
GAO-09-846CG, June 17, 2009
Technology Transfer: Clearer Priorities and Greater Use of Innovative Approaches Could Increase the Effectiveness of Technology Transfer at Department of Energy Laboratories
GAO-09-548, June 16, 2009
Federal Energy and Fleet Management: Plug-in Vehicles Offer Potential Benefits, but High Costs and Limited Information Could Hinder Integration into the Federal Fleet
GAO-09-493, June 9, 2009
Telecommunications: Broadband Deployment Plan Should Include Performance Goals and Measures to Guide Federal Investment
GAO-09-494, May 12, 2009
Recovery Act: GAO's Efforts to Work with the Accountability Community to Help Ensure Effective and Efficient Oversight
GAO-09-672T, May 5, 2009
Recovery Act: Consistent Policies Needed to Ensure Equal Consideration of Grant Applications
GAO-09-590R, April 29, 2009
Recovery Act: Initial Results on States' Use of and Accountability for Transportation Funds
GAO-09-597T, April 29, 2009
Social Security Administration: Effective Information Technology Management Essential for Data Center Initiative
GAO-09-662T, April 28, 2009
Recovery Act: As Initial Implementation Unfolds in States and Localities, Continued Attention to Accountability Issues Is Essential
GAO-09-580, April 23, 2009
Recovery Act: As Initial Implementation Unfolds in States and Localities, Continued Attention to Accountability Issues Is Essential
GAO-09-631T, April 23, 2009
Human Capital: Sustained Attention to Strategic Human Capital Management Needed
GAO-09-632T, April 22, 2009
High Speed Passenger Rail: Future Development Will Depend on Addressing Financial and Other Challenges and Establishing a Clear Federal Role
GAO-09-560T, April 1, 2009
2010 Census: Communications Campaign Has Potential to Boost Participation
GAO-09-525T, March 23, 2009
High Speed Passenger Rail: Future Development Will Depend on Addressing Financial and Other Challenges and Establishing a Clear Federal Role
GAO-09-317, March 19, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: GAO's Role in Helping to Ensure Accountability and Transparency for Science Funding
GAO-09-515T, March 19, 2009
Clean Coal: DOE Should Prepare a Comprehensive Analysis of the Relative Costs, Benefits, and Risks of a Range of Options for FutureGen
GAO-09-465T, March 11, 2009
Transportation Programs: Challenges Facing the Department of Transportation and Congress
GAO-09-435T, March 10, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: GAO's Role in Helping to Ensure Accountability and Transparency
GAO-09-453T, March 5, 2009
Estimated Adjusted Medicaid Funding Allocations Related to the Proposed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
GAO-09-371R, February 5, 2009
Estimated Temporary Medicaid Funding Allocations Related to Section 5001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
GAO-09-364R, February 4, 2009
Video of Testimony: Gene Dodaro, Acting Comptroller General


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Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses
GAO-09-831T, July 8, 2009

Watch: Video of April 23, 2009 Recovery Act testimony.