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March 14, 2003  

Sun-Earth Day is March 18

Image of the Sun and Earth

Tuesday, March 18 is Sun-Earth Day and many events will take place across the nation celebrating the science of the Sun-Earth Connection. Major events will happen at Langley, Marshall, JPL, Stennis, JSC, Ames, KSC and Glenn.

In Maryland, Sun-Earth Day activities have been planned at the Maryland Science Center (Baltimore) and at the Goddard Space Flight Center Educator Resource Center.

Goddard employees and contractors are welcome to attend a solar viewing in front of Building 26 on Tuesday, March 18 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunspotters will be used as well as optical and radio telescopes for viewing. So, even if the weather is cloudy we can still see the Sun's radio emissions. Come and join us in our celebration of the day.

NASA Television also will air a series of programs about the Sun. Living With A Star, a documentary with science content hooks, will air on March 17th and will prepare the audience for the March 18 broadcast, Live From the Aurora, which features real time interaction between NASA researchers on location at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska-the world's premier site to study the aurora with sounding rockets-and youngsters staying up late at night at the Maryland Science Center, Baltimore, MD; Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland, CA; Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta, GA; and The Imaginarium, Anchorage, AK.

Live From the Aurora airs nationally on participating PBS stations (check local listings) and on NASA Television from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST on March 18th and then repeats at 2:00 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m. (subject to pre-emption for agency events.)

To learn more about Sun-Earth Day events, visit http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/

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