Status of Implementation of GAO Recommendations on Evacuation of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations and Patients and Residents of Health Care Facilities

GAO-08-544R April 1, 2008
Full Report (PDF, 28 pages)   Accessible Text


Many of the approximately 100,000 people who did not evacuate before Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005 lacked access to a vehicle. In the aftermath of the storm, questions were raised about how well federal, state, and local governments were prepared to evacuate such transportation-disadvantaged populations. Hurricane Katrina, which ultimately resulted in over 1,300 deaths, also demonstrated difficulties for evacuating hospital patients and nursing home residents and raised questions about the role of the federal government in assisting in such evacuations. While responding to disasters and managing evacuations is largely a state and local responsibility, the federal government can provide assistance when state and local governments are overwhelmed. The federal government also provides grants and technical assistance for disaster preparedness. In January 2008, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released the National Response Framework (NRF)--replacing the National Response Plan. Its annexes detail the roles and responsibilities of local, state, and federal agencies during emergencies. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), within DHS, is the lead coordinating agency for federal emergency assistance. The NRF details the responsibilities of supporting federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation (DOT), whose responsibilities include coordinating the restoration and recovery of transportation systems and infrastructure, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), whose responsibilities include coordinating public health and medical services. The federal government can provide medical resources, such as emergency medical care and the evacuation of hospital patients during disasters, through the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), a partnership of DHS, the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and HHS. Recently, Congress expressed concerns about the extent to which GAO's recommendations have been implemented and asked us to assess the progress these agencies have made in doing so.

GAO found that progress implementing our recommendations has been mixed. Of the six recommendations contained in the two reports, two recommendations have been substantially implemented, while three recommendations have been partially implemented, and one recommendation has not been implemented.

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