Senator Tom Coburn's Oversight Action

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July 19, 2007: Public Conference on 9-11 Bill
The House and Senate conferees met in the first (and probably last) public conference to iron out some of the differences between the House (H.R. 1, “Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007”) and Senate (S. 4, the "Improving America’s Security Act of 2007") versions of the bill. Only two amendments were brought forward in an attempt to settle unresolved issues:
  • 100% Cargo screening: an amendment was put forward by Congressman Bennie Thompson, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. The amendment passed on party line votes in both chambers and will therefore be included in underlying language. Dr. Coburn voted against this amendment.
  • Transportation security jurisdiction: an amendment was put forward by Congressman Oberstar, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to change jurisdictional authority over the transit, rail, and bus grant distribution to have Department of Transportation actually cut the checks to grantees, even though the Department of Homeland Security would award and manage the grants. This language passed on the vote of the House conferees, but failed 5-9 on the Senate side. As a result, the impasse continues and further negotiations will either have to resolve this issue or drop the program from the conference bill. Dr. Coburn voted against this amendment.
July 2007: Dr. Coburn continues to press for needed accountability for Homeland Security preparedness grant programs.

S. 4, the Improving America’s Security Act of 2007, authorizes over $3 billion a year for the next three years (and such sums as determined necessary each year thereafter) in homeland security disaster preparedness and interoperability grants.

S.4 contains comprehensive auditing provisions authored by Sen. Coburn during the Senate committee mark-up process in response to an onslaught of scandals, inspector general and Governmental Accountability Office (GAO) findings and press reports about financial improprieties using preparedness and disaster grant funds, including funding going to yoga classes, puppet shows, credit card fraud, football tickets, divorce lawyers, sex change operations, and more. Dr. Coburn’s audit requirements in S.4 extend to preparedness grant programs, not public assistance administered under the Stafford Act. Dr. Coburn is working to keep the audit language in the bill as it moves through the conference process. Click on the following link to read why "Accountability in DHS Preparedness Grants Needed Now."

February 15, 2007: Dr. Coburn pushes Senate panel for greater transparency, better financial controls and minimum performance standards for homeland security programs. Click here for details on the votes and the Coburn amendments at the 2/15/07 Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Senate Committee Business Meeting considering the "9/11 Commission" bill.

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