Flag Requests

I am pleased to assist constituents of the 23rd District of New York in requesting American flags flown over the Capitol Building and dedicated to any person, organization or event of their choice. Flags can also be flown on any specific date, except for Christmas and New Years. Each flag is individually boxed and includes a certificate of dedication.

There are some nominal fees associated with flying a flag over the Capitol, and the price varies according to the size and material of the flag you request. These costs are included in the flag prices quoted below. Shipping and handling is provided at no cost to my constituents. To purchase a flag, you must fill out a flag request form and return it to my office with a check made payable to Office Supply Account NY2380. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery, and mail your order to:

Congressman John M. McHugh
Attention: Flag Requests
2366 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515