John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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Rep. John Culberson
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Tax and Spend

So far this Congress, I have voted against bills costing $2.56 trillion, and rejected $1.19 billion in proposed earmarks. Under the President’s major tax and spend proposal, District Seven resident would bear the bear the brunt of tax increases with some of the highest average increases in the country (District 7 ranks 9th out of 435 congressional districts in total projected tax increase). Furthermore, unless Congress votes to stop them, the following tax increases will occur.

U.S. Financial Burden

My highest priority as your Congressman is ensuring our prosperity now and in the future by keeping the U. S. Treasury, and our children and grandchildren, from going deeper into debt.

On every vote and on every issue, I always remember our nation’s immense unfunded financial burden. Unfortunately, as you can see on pages 5 and 6 of this important GAO report, this $53 trillion unfunded obligation has grown by 158% since 2000. This structural debt is the principle reason I have voted against so many new spending initiatives and expanding government programs since I was sworn in as your Congressman in January 2001.

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Update on Town Halls

Thank you to everyone who attended my town hall on Thursday, August 6, 2009. We proved you don't need police or screeners to have a productive, thoughtful discussion. Please find comments from those who attended below and to view the video, please click here. I look forward to holding another town hall the first week of September.


Derek Abbott  - I was there, had no preconceived idea of who you were or what you were made of. John Culberson, you are a true man and a great Texas and American. I am proud to know you and keep up the great work. You truly reflect our conservative values and methods that have been proven to govern effectively.


Susan McCorkle Abbott  - I am glad that I went. There were many people that I told about the town hall meeting that were not able to be there that night. I am guessing that was the case for most of us in the room. Thank you for arming us with important information about the Obama healthcare plan to share with people we know. No matter what our opinion, we all need to know the facts, not what CNN, etc is making up.


Bill Stephanos  - John, it was a pleasure to have met you. It's nice to know that we have a representative who "gets it". Keep up the great work! I grew up in Massachusetts but thank God for enabling me to raise my family in Texas!


Carol Dare  - Thursday was my first Town Hall meeting and I am so glad I came.


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