Western Regional Office Science Programs


      The Western Region manages the following BRD programs in its nine state region:



        Quick Response Program

Through the Quick Response Program , USGS/BRD provides funds to its scientists to respond quickly to immediate, current year needs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Contact Lief Horwitz, for additional information concerning the Quick Response Program in the Western Region.


        National Resources Preservation Program

The National Resources Preservation Program (NRPP) provides scientific expertise and capabilities to execute research in support of specific National Park Service (NPS) park research requirements. Under this program USGS/BRD plans the approach and provides research to support important management needs with valid science. The multi-step NRPP process involves collaboration of all appropriate elements of BRD and NPS. This means clarifying the natural resource problem, implementing the research, and reporting of research results to the NPS. They then may apply the results through their resource and human use management actions.  Contact Lief Horwitz, for additional information concerning the National Resources Preservation Program in the Western Region.










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