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Efforts to Transform and Address Priorities' which was released on 
March 23, 2004.

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Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary, 
Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate:

United States General Accounting Office:


For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004:


FBI Continues to Make Progress in Its Efforts to Transform and Address 

Statement of Laurie E. Ekstrand, Director Homeland Security and Justice 
Issues and Randolph C. Hite, Director, Information Technology 
Architecture and Systems Issues:


GAO Highlights:

Highlights of GAO-04-578T, a report to Subcommittee on Commerce, 
Justice, State, and the Judiciary, Committee on Appropriations 

Why GAO Did This Study:

The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks precipitated a shift in how 
the FBI uses its investigative resources to prevent future terrorist 
incidents. The attacks led to the FBI’s commitment to reorganize and 
transform itself. Today’s testimony discusses the FBI’s progress in 
carrying out its transformation process. Specifically, it addresses 
FBI’s (1) progress in developing a comprehensive transformation plan; 
(2) efforts to update its strategic plan; (3) development of a 
strategic human capital plan; (4) information technology management 
leadership and practices; and (5) realignment of staff resources to 
priority areas and the impact of the realignments on the FBI’s drug and 
other criminal investigation programs.

What GAO Found:

We commend the FBI for its progress in some areas of its transformation 
efforts since we last testified on this subject in June 2003 We believe 
that commitment from the top, a dedicated implementation team, 
involvement of employees in the process, and the achievement of key 
milestones are encouraging signs of progress. However, we continue to 
encourage the development of a comprehensive transformation plan that 
would consolidate the crosswalks between the various aspects of 
transformation. This could help management oversee all aspects of the 

The FBI’s strategic plan has been completed. Overall we found the plan 
has important strengths as well as some areas in which improvements 
could be made. For example, the plan includes key elements of 
successful strategic plans (i.e. a comprehensive mission statement and 
results-oriented, long-term goals and objectives.). However, the plan 
is missing some elements that could have made it more informative. 
Officials advised us that some of these elements are available 
elsewhere (i.e. lists of stakeholders and performance measures). The 
absence of these elements makes the plan less comprehensive and useful.

The FBI has also developed a strategic human capital plan that contains 
many of the principles that we have laid out for an effective human 
capital system (i.e. the need to fill identified skill gaps by using 
personnel flexibilities). However, the FBI has yet to hire a human 
capital officer to manage the implementation of this process and the 
performance management system for the bulk of FBI personnel remains 
inadequate to discern meaningful distinctions in performance.

The FBI recognizes the importance of information technology (IT) as a 
transformation enabler, making it an explicit priority in its strategic 
plan and investing hundreds of millions of dollars in initiatives to 
expand its systems environment and thereby improve its information 
analysis and sharing. However, FBI’s longstanding approach to managing 
IT is not fully consistent with the structures and practices of leading 
organizations. A prime example of the consequences of not employing 
these structures and practices is the cost and schedule shortfalls 
being experienced on Trilogy, the centerpiece project to modernize 
infrastructure and case management applications. Recent FBI proposals, 
plans, and initiatives indicate that it understands its management 
challenges and is focused on addressing them.

Another key element of the FBI’s transformation is the realignment of 
resources to better focus on the highest priorities--counterterrorism, 
counterintelligence and cyber investigations. The FBI resources 
allocated to priority areas continue to increase and now represent its 
single largest concentration of field agent resources—36 percent of its 
fiscal year 2004 field agent positions.

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Laurie Ekstrand on (202) 
512-8777 or 

[End of section]

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:

We are pleased to be here today to address this committee regarding 
GAO's work assessing the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) 
transformation efforts. As you are well aware, the September 11, 2001, 
terrorist attacks were the most destructive and costly terrorist events 
that this country has ever experienced. The event precipitated a shift 
in how the FBI uses its investigative resources to prevent future 
terrorist incidents and ultimately led to FBI's commitment to 
reorganize and transform itself. Today's testimony follows up on our 
June 2003 testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on 
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary and Related Agencies on the 
FBI's transformation efforts.[Footnote 1]

It also draws on continuing work for the same sub-committee, the House 
Select Committee on Intelligence and several individual requestors.

We will discuss the FBI's:

* overall progress in transformation,

* efforts to update its strategic plan,

* development of a strategic human capital plan,

* information technology management capabilities, and:

* realignment of staff resources to priority areas and the impact of 
the realignments on the FBI's drug and other criminal investigation 

In brief, we commend the FBI for its progress in its transformation 
efforts. We believe that commitment from the top, a dedicated 
implementation team, involvement of employees, and the development of 
strategic and human capital plans are encouraging signs of FBI's 
reorganization progress. However, we want to note some activities that 
may enhance the value of future planning efforts, reiterate the 
importance of developing and tracking measures of progress toward 
achieving goals, discuss the history and future of IT efforts, and the 
shift in resources from the traditional crime areas to the new priority 

Our testimony today is based on interviews with management and program 
officials at FBI headquarters during the last 2 years. We also 
interviewed management personnel in FBI field offices;[Footnote 2] and 
obtained input from special agents and analysts in FBI field offices 
last spring.[Footnote 3] Additionally, to assess the progress that the 
FBI has made in its transformation efforts, we reviewed information 
from an October 2003 and March 2004 briefing that the FBI provided to 
GAO on its transformation efforts and FBI's recent strategic plan and 
strategic human capital plan. We compared these documents against GAO's 
leading practices in the areas of organizational mergers and 
transformations, strategic planning, and strategic human capital 

We focused on assessing the FBI's strategic plan for key elements 
required by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 
(GPRA).[Footnote 4] GPRA provides a set of practices for developing a 
useful and informative strategic plan that can be applied to any level 
of the federal government to improve the quality and informative value 
of strategic plans to Congress, other key stakeholders, and the staff 
charged with achieving the agency's strategic goals. To make this 
assessment we used criteria we developed for assessing agency strategic 
plans under GPRA.[Footnote 5] Our assessment is based on a review of 
the FBI's strategic plan with limited information about the process the 
FBI undertook to develop the plan. We acknowledge that the FBI may be 
addressing these elements in other ways.

We reviewed FBI's strategic plan to see how it addressed six key 

* mission statement,

* long-term goals and objectives,

* relationship between the long-term goals and annual performance 

* approaches or strategies to achieve the goals and objectives,

* key external factors that could affect achievement of goals, and:

* use of program evaluation to establish or revise strategic goals.

Our analysis of the FBI's information technology (IT) management 
capabilities is based on our prior work on the FBI's enterprise 
architecture efforts and follow-up work to determine recent progress, 
information from the Justice Inspector General's work on evaluating the 
FBI's IT investment management process, and recent work on the 
organizational placement and authority of the FBI's Chief Information 
Officer (CIO). We also used our prior research of CIO management 
practices of successful organizations and our evaluations of large IT 
modernization efforts similar to the Trilogy program. Further, we 
conducted follow up work with the FBI's program management office to 
determine the cost and schedule overruns for Trilogy.

To address the effect of the FBI's resource realignments on drug and 
other traditional law enforcement efforts, we analyzed FBI budgetary, 
staffing, and caseload data and interviewed selected FBI, Drug 
Enforcement Administration (DEA), and local law enforcement 
officials.[Footnote 6]

We performed our audit work in accordance with generally accepted 
government auditing standards.

FBI Continues to Make Progress in its Transformation Efforts but Needs 
a Comprehensive Transformation Plan to Guide Its Efforts:

In our June 2003 testimony on the FBI's reorganization before the House 
Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary 
and Related Agencies, we reported that the FBI had made progress in its 
efforts to transform the agency, but that some major challenges 
continued[Footnote 7]. We also noted that any changes in the FBI must 
be part of, and consistent with, broader, government-wide 
transformation efforts that are taking place, especially those 
resulting from the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security 
and in connection with the intelligence community.

We also noted that to effectively meet the challenges of the post-
September 11, environment, the FBI needed to consider employing key 
practices that have consistently been found at the center of successful 
transformation efforts.[Footnote 8] These key practices are to:

* ensure that top leadership drives the transformation,

* establish a coherent mission and integrated strategic goals to guide 
the transformation,

* focus on a key set of principles and priorities at the outset of the 

* set implementation goals and a time line to build momentum and show 
progress from day one,

* dedicate an implementation team to manage the transformation process,

* use the performance management system to define responsibility and 
ensure accountability for change,

* establish a communication strategy to create shared expectations and 
report related progress,

* involve employees to obtain their ideas and gain their ownership for 
the transformation, and:

* build a world-class organization that continuously seeks to implement 
best practices in processes and systems in areas such as information 
technology, financial management, acquisition management, and human 

Today, we continue to be encouraged by the progress that the FBI has 
made in some areas as it continues its transformation efforts. 
Specifically worthy of recognition are the commitment of Director 
Mueller and senior-level leadership to the FBI's reorganization; the 
FBI's communication of priorities; the implementation of core 
reengineering processes to improve business practices and assist in the 
bureau's transformation efforts[Footnote 9]; the dedication of an 
implementation team to manage the reengineering efforts; the 
development of a strategic plan and a human capital plan; the efforts 
to involve employees in the strategic planning and reengineering 
processes; and the FBI's efforts to realign its activities, processes, 
and resources to focus on a key set of principles and priorities.

While the FBI has embedded crosswalks and timelines in their various 
transformation plans that relate one plan to another, we still 
encourage the development of an overall transformation plan that will 
pull all of the pieces together in one document. This document can be 
both a management tool to guide all of the efforts, as well as a 
communication vehicle for staff to see and understand the goals of the 
FBI. It is important to establish and track intermediate and long-term 
transformation goals and establish a timeline to pinpoint performance 
shortfalls and gaps and suggest midcourse corrections. By demonstrating 
progress towards these goals, the organization builds momentum and 
demonstrates that real progress is being made. We will continue to 
review this issue.

FBI Has Developed a Strategic Plan with a Mission, Strategic Goals, and 
Approaches That Reflect Its New Priorities:

When we last testified in June 2003, the FBI was in the process of 
compiling the building blocks of a strategic plan. At that time it was 
anticipated that the plan would be completed by the start of fiscal 
year 2004. Although delayed by about 5 months, the FBI has since 
completed its strategic plan.[Footnote 10] FBI officials indicated that 
the implementation of two staff reprogrammings and delays in the 
appropriation of its fiscal year 2003 and fiscal year 2004 budget, as 
well as initiatives undertaken to protect the homeland during the war 
in Iraq, delayed the completion of the strategic plan.

Overall we found the plan has some important strengths as well as some 
areas in which improvements could be made. The strategic plan includes 
key elements of successful strategic plans, including a comprehensive 
mission statement; results-oriented, long-term goals and objectives; 
and approaches to achieve the goals and objectives. The FBI plan 
presents 10 strategic goals that appear to cover the FBI's major 
functions and operations, are related to the mission, and generally 
articulate the results in terms of outcomes the FBI seeks to achieve. 
For example, one of the plan's strategic goals is "protect the United 
States from terrorist attack;" another goal is "reduce the level of 
significant violent crime." The plan also lists strategic objectives 
and performance goals for each long-term strategic goal. However, the 
performance goals do not appear to be outcomes against which the FBI 
will measure progress; rather they appear to describe approaches or be 
key efforts that FBI will undertake to achieve its long-term strategic 
goals and objectives.

Importantly, the plan acknowledges that the FBI faces competing 
priorities and clearly articulates its top 10 priorities, in order of 
priority. The strategic plan also frequently discusses the role 
partnerships with other law enforcement, intelligence, and homeland 
security agencies will play in achieving the plan's goals. The plan 
discusses the FBI's approach to building on its internal capacity to 
accomplish its mission-critical goals by improving management of human 
capital, information technology, and other investigative tools. The 
plan also discusses the external factors, such as global and domestic 
demographic changes and the communications revolution, which have 
driven the development of its strategic goals.

Strategic Plan Could Be Improved by Discussing Other Key Elements:

Although the FBI has addressed several key elements in its strategic 
plan, the plan needs more information on other elements of strategic 
planning that we have identified as significant to successful 
achievement of an organization's mission and goals. FBI officials 
indicated that some of these elements are available in other documents 
and were not included in the plan for specific reasons. As the FBI 
moves forward with its new strategic planning and execution process, it 
should consider addressing in its strategic plan the following key 

Involving Key Stakeholders: As we have previously testified, any 
changes at the FBI must be part of, and consistent with, broader 
governmentwide transformation efforts that are taking place, especially 
those resulting from the establishment of the Department of Homeland 
Security and in connection with changes in the intelligence community. 
Successful organizations we studied based their strategic planning, to 
a large extent, on the interests and expectations of their 
stakeholders. Federal agency stakeholders include Congress and the 
administration, other federal agencies, state and local governments, 
third-party service providers, interest groups, agency employees, and, 
of course, the American public. Involving customers served by the 
organization--such as the users of the FBI's intelligence--is important 
as well. The FBI strategic plan does not describe which stakeholders or 
customers, were involved or consulted during the plan's development or 
the nature of their involvement. Such information would be useful to 
understanding the quality of the planning process FBI has undertaken 
and the extent to which it reflect the views of key stakeholders and 
customers. Consultation provides an important check for an organization 
that they are working toward the right goals and using reasonable 
approaches to achieve them.

Relationship between Strategic and Annual Goals: Under GPRA, agencies' 
long-term strategic goals are to be linked to their annual performance 
plans and the day-to-day activities of their managers and staff. OMB 
guidance states that a strategic plan should briefly outline (1) the 
type, nature, and scope of the performance goals being included in 
annual performance plans and (2) how these annual performance goals 
relate to the long-term, general goals and their use in helping 
determine the achievement of the general goals. Without this linkage, 
it may not be possible to determine whether an agency has a clear sense 
of how it will assess the progress made toward achieving its intended 

It is not clear from the plan how the FBI intends to measure its 
progress in achieving the long-term strategic goals and objectives 
because the plan's strategic objectives and performance goals are not 
phrased as performance measures and the plan does not describe or make 
reference to another document that contains annual performance 
measures. The plan also lacks a discussion of the systems FBI will have 
in place to produce reliable performance and cost data needed to set 
goals, evaluate results, and improve performance. According to an FBI 
official and documents the FBI provided, the FBI has developed 
"performance metrics" for each of its strategic goals.

External and Internal Factors that Could Affect Goal Achievement: While 
the plan clearly communicates how its forecast of external drivers 
helped to shape the FBI's strategy, the plan does not discuss the 
external and internal factors that might interfere with its ability to 
accomplish its goals. External factors could include economic, 
demographic, social, technological, or environmental factors. Internal 
factors could include the culture of the agency, its management 
practices, and its business processes. The identification of such 
factors would allow FBI to communicate actions it has planned that 
could reduce or ameliorate the potential impact of the external 
factors. Furthermore, the plan could also include a discussion of the 
FBI' s plans to address internal factors within its control that could 
affect achievement of strategic goals. The approach the FBI plans to 
take to track its success in achieving change within the agency should 
be an integral part of FBI's strategy. A clear and well-supported 
discussion of the external and internal factors that could affect 
performance could provide a basis for proposing legislative or 
budgetary changes that the FBI may need to accomplish the FBI's goals.

Role of Program Evaluation in Assessing Achievement of Goals and 
Effectiveness of Strategies: Program evaluations can be a potentially 
critical source of information for Congress and others in ensuring the 
validity and reasonableness of goals and strategies, as well as for 
identifying factors likely to affect performance. Program evaluations 
typically assess the results, impact, or effects of a program or 
policy, but can also assess the implementation and results of programs, 
operating policies, and practices. The FBI's strategic plan does not 
explicitly discuss the role evaluation played in the development of its 
strategic plan or its plans for future evaluations (including scope, 
key issues, and time frame), as intended by GPRA. The FBI has 
redesigned its program evaluation process and updated the performance 
metric for each program. This information could have been, but was not 
included in the strategic plan. As discussed elsewhere in this 
testimony, the FBI has a series of reengineering efforts under way that 
relate to six core processes they are seeking to transform. A 
discussion of how these reengineering efforts relate to and support the 
achievement of the FBI's strategic goals would be a useful addition to 
the FBI's strategic plan.

We believe that an organization's strategic plan is a critical 
communication tool and the credibility of the plan can be enhanced by 
discussing, even at a summary level, the approach the organization took 
in addressing these elements.

FBI Has Involved Employees in the Strategic Planning Process and 
Communicated its Priorities:

As noted earlier, employee involvement in strategic planning, and 
transformation in general, is a key practice of a successful agency as 
it transforms. FBI executive management seems to have recognized this. 
Field office managers and field staff we spoke with last year generally 
reported being afforded the opportunity to provide input. For example, 
field management in the 14 field offices we visited in 2003 reported 
that they had been afforded opportunities to provide input into the 
FBI's strategic planning process. In addition, 68 percent of the 
special agents and 24 of the 34 analysts who completed our 
questionnaire in 2003 reported that they had been afforded the 
opportunity to provide input to FBI management regarding FBI 
strategies, goals, and priorities by, among others, participating in 
focus groups or meetings and assisting in the development of the field 
offices' annual reports. FBI managers in the field offices we visited 
and 87 percent of the special agents and 31 of the 34 analysts who 
completed our questionnaire indicated that FBI management had kept them 
informed of the FBI's progress in revising its strategic plan to 
reflect changed priorities.

FBI management also seems to have been effective in communicating the 
agency's top three priorities (i.e., counterterrorism, 
counterintelligence, and cyber crime investigations) to the staff. In 
addition to the awareness of management staff in FBI headquarters and 
field offices, nearly all of the special agents and all of the analysts 
who answered our questionnaire indicated that FBI executive management 
(i.e., Director Mueller and Deputy Director Gebhardt) had communicated 
the FBI's priorities to their field offices. Management and most of the 
agents we interviewed in the field were aware of the FBI's top three 
priorities.[Footnote 11] Further, over 90 percent of special agents and 
28 of the 34 analysts who completed our questionnaire generally or 
strongly agreed that their field office had made progress in realigning 
its goals to be consistent with the FBI's transformation efforts and 
new priorities.

FBI Has Developed a Strategic Human Capital Plan:

In prior testimony, we highlighted the importance of the development of 
a strategic human capital plan to the FBI's transformation efforts, 
noting that strategic human capital management is the centerpiece of 
any management initiative, including any agency transformation effort. 
We noted that a strategic human capital plan should flow from the 
strategic plan and guide an agency to align its workforce needs, goals, 
and objectives with its mission-critical functions. We also noted that 
human capital planning should include both integrating human capital 
approaches in the development of the organizational plans and aligning 
the human capital programs with the program goals. In a September 2003 
letter to the FBI director, we specifically recommended that the FBI: 
(1) hire a human capital officer to guide the development of a 
strategic human capital plan and the implementation of long-term 
strategic human capital initiatives and (2) replace its current pass/
fail performance management system with one that makes meaningful 
distinctions in employee performance.

Although the FBI has not yet hired a human capital officer, it has 
developed a strategic human capital plan. This plan contains many of 
the principles that we have laid out for an effective human capital 
system.[Footnote 12] For example, it highlights the need for the FBI to 
fill identified skill gaps, in such areas as language specialists and 
intelligence analysts, by using various personnel flexibilities 
including recruiting and retention bonuses.[Footnote 13] Concerning the 
hiring of a human capital officer, the FBI has efforts under way to 
recruit and hire a qualified candidate.

The FBI said that it recognizes the need to review and revise its 
performance management system to be in line with its strategic plan, 
including desired outcomes, core values, critical individual 
competencies, and agency transformation objectives. It also recognizes 
that it needs to ensure that unit and individual performance are linked 
to organizational goals. A key initiative that has been undertaken by 
the FBI in this regard is the planning of a system for the Senior 
Executive Service that is based on, and distinguishes, performance. We 
have not reviewed the Senior Executive performance management system, 
but it should include expectations to lead and facilitate change and to 
collaborate both within and across organizational boundaries are 
critical elements as agencies transform themselves.[Footnote 14] As 
yet, the performance management system for the bulk of FBI personnel 
remains inadequate to identify meaningful distinctions in performance. 
The FBI's human capital plan indicates that the FBI is moving in the 
direction of addressing this need, and we are encouraged by this.

Clearly, the development of a strategic human capital plan is a 
positive step in this direction. However, the FBI, like other 
organizations, will face challenges as it implements its human capital 
plan. As we have noted before, when implementing new human capital 
authorities, how it is done, when it is done, and the basis on which it 
is done can make all the difference in whether such efforts are 

Effective Information Technology Management Is Critical to the FBI's 
Ability to Successfully Transform:

Information technology can be a valuable tool in helping organizations 
transform and better achieve mission goals and objectives. Our research 
of leading private and public sector organizations, as well as our past 
work at federal departments and agencies, shows that successful 
organizations' executives have embraced the central role of IT as an 
enabler for enterprise-wide transformation.[Footnote 15] As such they 
adopt a corporate, or agencywide, approach to managing IT under the 
leadership and control of a senior executive--commonly called a chief 
information officer (CIO)--who operates as a full partner with the 
organizational leadership team in charting the strategic direction and 
making informed IT investment decisions.

In addition to adopting centralized leadership, these leading 
organizations also develop and implement institutional or agencywide IT 
management controls aimed at leveraging the vast potential of 
technology in achieving mission outcomes. These include using a systems 
modernization blueprint, commonly referred to as an enterprise 
architecture,[Footnote 16] to guide and constrain system investments 
and using a portfolio-based approach to IT investment decision making. 
We have also observed that without these controls, organizations 
increase the risk that system modernization projects (1) will 
experience cost, schedule, and performance shortfalls; (2) will not 
reduce system redundancy and overlap; and (3) will not increase 
interoperability and effective information sharing.

FBI currently relies extensively on the use of IT to execute its 
mission responsibilities, and this reliance is expected to grow. For 
example, it develops and maintains computerized systems, such as the 
Combined DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Index System to support forensic 
examinations, the Digital Collection System to electronically collect 
information on known and suspected terrorists and criminals, and the 
National Crime Information Center and the Integrated Automated 
Fingerprint Identification System to identify criminals. It is also in 
the midst of a number of initiatives aimed at (1) extending data 
storage and retrieval systems to improve information sharing across 
organizational components and (2) expanding its IT infrastructure to 
support new software applications. According to FBI estimates, the 
bureau manages hundreds of systems and associated networks and 
databases at an average annual cost of about $800 million. In addition, 
the bureau plans to invest about $255 million and $286 million in 
fiscal years 2004 and 2005, respectively, in IT services and systems, 
such as the Trilogy project. Trilogy is the bureau's centerpiece 
project to (1) replace its system infrastructure (e.g., wide area 
network) and (2) consolidate and modernize key investigative case 
management applications. The goals of Trilogy include speeding the 
transmission of data, linking multiple databases for quick searching, 
and improving operational efficiency by replacing paper with electronic 

The FBI Director recognizes the importance of IT to transformation, and 
as such has made it one of the bureau's top 10 priorities.[Footnote 17] 
Consistent with this, the FBI's strategic plan contains explicit IT-
related strategic goals, objectives, and initiatives (near-term and 
long-term) to support the collection, analysis, processing, and 
dissemination of information. Further, the FBI's newly appointed CIO 
understands the bureau's longstanding IT management challenges and is 
in the process of defining plans and proposals to effectively execute 
the FBI's strategic IT initiatives. Nevertheless, the bureau's 
longstanding approach to managing IT is not fully consistent with 
leading practices, as has been previously reported by us and others. 
The effect of this, for example, can be seen in the cost and schedule 
shortfalls being experienced on Trilogy.

FBI Has Not Had Sustained IT Management Leadership with Bureauwide 

Our research of private and public sector organizations that 
effectively manage IT shows that they have adopted an agencywide 
approach to managing IT under the sustained leadership of a CIO or 
comparable senior executive who has the responsibility and the 
authority for managing IT across the agency.[Footnote 18] According to 
the research, these executives function as members of the leadership 
team and are instrumental in developing a shared vision for the role of 
IT in achieving major improvements in business processes and operations 
to effectively optimize mission performance. In this capacity, leading 
organizations also provide these individuals with the authority they 
need to carry out their diverse responsibilities by providing budget 
management control and oversight of IT programs and initiatives.

Over the last several years, the FBI has not sustained IT management 
leadership. Specifically, the bureau's key leadership and management 
positions, including the CIO, have experienced frequent turnover. For 
instance, the CIO has changed five times in the past 24 months. The 
current CIO, who is also the CIO at the Department of Justice's 
Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), is temporarily detailed 
to the FBI for 6 months and is serving in an acting capacity while also 
retaining selected duties at EOUSA . In addition, the IT official 
responsible for developing the bureau's enterprise architecture, the 
chief architect, has changed five times in the past 16 months. As a 
result, development and implementation of key management controls, such 
as enterprise architecture, have not benefited from sustained 
management attention and leadership and thus have lagged, as described 
in sections below.

In addition, the FBI has not provided its CIO with bureauwide IT 
management authority and responsibility. Rather, the authority and 
responsibility for managing IT is diffused across and vested in the 
bureau's divisions. As our research and work at other agencies has 
shown, managing IT in this manner results in disparate, stove-piped 
environments that are unnecessarily expensive to operate and maintain. 
In the FBI's case, it resulted, as reported by Justice's Inspector 
General in December 2002,[Footnote 19] in 234 nonintegrated 
applications, residing on 187 different servers, each of which had its 
own unique databases, unable to share information with other 
applications or with other government agencies. According to the acting 
CIO, the FBI is considering merging bureauwide authority and 
responsibility for IT in the CIO's office with the goal of having this 
in place in time to formulate the bureau's fiscal year 2006 budget 
request. In our view, this proposal, if properly defined and 
implemented, is a good step toward implementing the practices of 
leading organizations. However, until it is implemented, we remain 
concerned that the bureau will not be positioned to effectively 
leverage IT as an bureauwide resource.

FBI Does Not Have an Enterprise Architecture but Is Taking Steps to 
Develop One:

As discussed in our framework for assessing and improving enterprise 
architecture management,[Footnote 20] an architecture is an essential 
tool for effectively and efficiently engineering business operations 
(e.g., processes, work locations, and information needs and flows) and 
defining, implementing, and evolving IT systems in a way that best 
supports these operations. It provides systematically derived and 
captured structural descriptions--in useful models, diagrams, tables, 
and narrative--of how a given entity operates today and how it plans to 
operate in the future, and it includes a road map for transitioning 
from today to tomorrow. Managed properly, an enterprise architecture 
can clarify and help optimize the interdependencies and 
interrelationships among a given entity's business operations and the 
underlying systems and technical infrastructure that support these 
operations; it can also help share information among units within an 
organization and between the organization and external partners. Our 
experience with federal agencies has shown that attempting to modernize 
systems without having an enterprise architecture often results in 
systems that are duplicative, not well integrated, unnecessarily costly 
to maintain, and limited in terms of optimizing mission 
performance.[Footnote 21]

We reported in September 2003, that the FBI did not have an enterprise 
architecture to guide and constrain its ongoing and planned IT 
investments.[Footnote 22] We also reported that the necessary 
management structures and processes--the management foundation, if you 
will--to develop, maintain, or implement an architecture were not in 
place. At the time, the bureau was beginning to build this foundation. 
For instance, the bureau had designated a chief architect, established 
an architecture governance board as its steering committee, and chosen 
a framework to guide its architecture development. However, it had yet 
to complete critical activities such as ensuring that business partners 
are represented on the architecture governance board, establishing a 
formal program office, adopting an architecture development 
methodology, and defining plans for developing its architecture. 
Further, it had not addressed other important activities, including 
developing written and approved architecture policy and integrating 
architectural alignment, into its IT investment management process. FBI 
officials told us then that the architecture was not a top priority and 
it had not received adequate resources and management attention. 
Consequently, we recommended, among other things, that the FBI director 
immediately designate development, maintenance, and implementation of 
an enterprise architecture as a bureau priority and manage it as such.

Since our report, the FBI has made architecture development an explicit 
imperative in its strategic plan, and it has made progress toward 
establishing an effective architecture program. For instance, the FBI 
director issued a requirement that all divisions identify a point of 
contact that can authoritatively represent their division in the 
development of the architecture. In addition, a project management plan 
has been drafted that identifies roles and responsibilities and 
delineates plans and a set of actions to develop the architecture. The 
FBI is also in the process of hiring a contractor to help develop the 
architecture. Current plans call for an initial version of the 
architecture in June 2004. However, until the enterprise architecture 
is developed, the FBI will continue to manage IT without a bureauwide, 
authoritative frame of reference to guide and constrain its continuing 
and substantial IT investments, putting at risk its ability to 
implement modernized systems in a way that minimizes overlap and 
duplication and maximizes integration and mission support.

FBI Is Working to Establish Control over IT Resources and Investments:

Federal IT management law provides an important framework for effective 
investment management. It requires federal agencies to focus more on 
the results they have achieved through IT investments, while 
concurrently improving their acquisition processes. It also introduces 
more rigor and structure into how agencies are to select and manage IT 
projects. In May 2000, GAO issued[Footnote 23] a framework that 
encompasses IT investment management best practices based on our 
research at successful private and public sector organizations. This 
framework identifies processes that are critical for successful IT 
investment, such as tracking IT assets, identifying business needs for 
projects, selecting among competing project proposals using explicit 
investment criteria, and overseeing projects to ensure that commitments 
are met.

Using GAO's framework, the Inspector General evaluated the FBI's IT 
investment management process in 2002, including a case study of 
Trilogy, and concluded that the process at that time was immature and 
had hindered the bureau's ability to effectively manage IT.[Footnote 
24] Specifically, the Inspector General reported that the bureau lacked 
a basic investment management foundation. For instance, the bureau did 
not have fully functioning investment boards that were engaged in all 
phases of investment management. In addition, the bureau had not yet 
developed an IT asset inventory, the first step in tracking and 
controlling investments and assets. In a January 2004 follow-on 
report,[Footnote 25] the Inspector General credited the bureau with 
developing a plan to implement the recommendations and assigning 
responsibility to the Project Management Office to execute it, but 
noted that the office had not been granted authority to carry out this 
task. Project Management Office officials stated that as of February 
24, 2004, they had not yet been provided such authority. According to 
the acting CIO, the FBI is currently in the process of hiring a 
contractor to assist with implementing all IT investment management 
processes bureauwide, including addressing remaining Inspector General 
recommendations. Until these steps are completed and mature investment 
processes are in place, the FBI will remain challenged in its ability 
to effectively minimize risks and maximize the returns of investments, 
including ensuring projects do not experience cost, schedule, and 
performance shortfalls.

Until Effective IT Leadership and Management Controls are Implemented, 
Projects Remain at Risk:

As discussed in the previous sections, the FBI has efforts proposed, 
planned and under way that, once implemented, are intended to establish 
an IT leadership and management controls framework that is consistent 
with those used by leading organizations. Until this is accomplished, 
however, the bureau will largely be relying on the same management 
structures and practices that it used in the past and that produced its 
current IT environment and associated challenges. As previously stated, 
these practices increase the risk that system modernization projects 
will not deliver promised capabilities on time and within budget. A 
prime example is Trilogy, the FBI's ongoing effort to, among other 
things, modernize its systems infrastructure and investigate case 
management applications. It consists of three components:

* Transportation Network Component, which is communications network 
infrastructure (e.g., local area networks and wide area networks, 
authorization security, and encryption of data transmissions and 

* Information Presentation Component, which is primarily desktop 
hardware and software (e.g., scanners, printers, electronic mail, web-
browser), and:

* User Applications Component, which includes the investigative case 
management applications [Footnote 26]) that are being consolidated and 
modernized. This component is commonly referred to as the Virtual Case 
File, which when completed, is to allow agents to have multi-media 
capability that will enable them to among other things scan documents 
and photos into electronic case files and share the files with other 
agents electronically.

To date, the FBI's management of Trilogy has resulted in multiple cost 
overruns and schedule delays. The table below details the cost and 
schedule shortfalls for each of the three components that comprise 
Trilogy. In summary, the FBI established its original project 
commitments in November 2000 but revised them in January 2002 after 
receiving additional funding ($78 million) to accelerate the project's 
completion. About this time, the FBI also revised the Trilogy design to 
introduce more functionality and capability than original planned. 
Based on the January 2002 commitments, the first two components of 
Trilogy were to be completed in July 2002, and the third was to be 
completed in December 2003. However, the project's components have 
collectively experienced cost overruns and schedule delays totaling 
about $120 million and at least 21 months, respectively.

Table 1: Trilogy Cost and Schedule Shortfalls By Component:

Trilogy Component: Transportation Network Component; 
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): 5/04[A]; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): 7/02[A]; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): (22 months)[B]; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): Completed 3/03; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): 8 months.

Trilogy Component: Transportation Network Component;
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): $238.6[A]; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): $288.1[A]; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): $49.5; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): $0.0; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): [Empty].

Trilogy Component: Information Presentation Component;
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): 5/04[A]; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): 7/02[A]; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): (22 months)[B]; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): 4/04; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): 21 months.

Trilogy Component: Information Presentation Component;
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): $238.6[A]; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): $288.1[A]; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): $49.5; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): $339.8; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): $51.7.

Trilogy Component; User Applications Component; 
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): 6/04; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): 12/03; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): (6 months)[B]; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): 6/04[C]; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): 6 months.

Trilogy Component; User Applications Component;
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): $119.2; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): $139.7; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): $20.5; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): $170.0[C]; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): $30.3.

Trilogy Component; Project Management and other funding; 
November 2000 commitments (date/funding in millions): $22.0; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): $30.0; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): $8.0; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): $71.3; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): $41.3.

Trilogy Component: Total funding; 
November 2000 commitments (date/ funding in millions): $379.8; 
January 2002 commitments (date/funding in millions): $457.8; 
Variance between November 2000 and January 2002 commitments (schedule 
in months/ funding in millions): $78.0; 
March 2004 commitments (date/funding in millions): $581.1; 
Variance between January 2002 and March 2004 commitments (schedule 
in months/funding in millions): $123.3. 

Source: GAO based on FBI data.

[A] Commitment date and funding amount is for both Transportation 
Network Component and Information Presentation Component.

[B] Months the schedule commitment was accelerated.

[C] According to a key Trilogy project official, new schedule and cost 
commitments are being developed for the User Applications Component..

[End of table]

These Trilogy shortfalls in meeting cost and schedule commitments can 
be in part attributed to the absence of the kind of IT management 
controls discussed earlier. Specifically, in its study of the FBI's 
investment management processes which included a case study of Trilogy, 
the Inspector General cited the lack of an enterprise architecture and 
mature IT investment management processes as the cause for missed 
Trilogy milestones and uncertainties associated with the remaining 
portions of the project. In our view, a major challenge for FBI going 
forward will be to effectively manage the risks associated with 
developing and acquiring Trilogy and other system modernization 
priorities discussed in its strategic plan, while the bureau is 
completing and implementing its enterprise architecture and other IT-
related controls and is adopting a more centralized approach to IT 
management leadership.

FBI Continues to Realign Staff Resources to Address Counterterrorism-
Related Priorities:

As we pointed out in our June 2003 testimony and our follow-up letter 
to the FBI in September 2003, a key element of the FBI's reorganization 
and successful transformation is the realignment of resources to better 
ensure focus on the highest priorities. Since September 11, the FBI has 
permanently realigned a substantial number of its field agents from 
traditional criminal investigative programs to work on counterterrorism 
and counterintelligence investigations. Additionally, the bureau has 
had a continuing need to temporarily redirect special agent and staff 
resources from other criminal investigative programs to address higher-
priority needs. Thus, staff continue to be redirected from other 
programs such as drug, white collar, and violent crime to address the 
counterterrorism-related workload demands. The result of this 
redirection is fewer investigations in these traditional crime areas.

We want to make clear that we in no way intend to fault the FBI for the 
reassignment of agents from drug enforcement, violent crime, and white 
collar crime to higher-priority areas. Indeed, these moves are directly 
in line with the agency's priorities and in keeping with the paramount 
need to prevent terrorism.[Footnote 27] In 2002, the FBI Director 
announced that in keeping with its new priorities, the agency would 
move over 500 field agent positions from its drug, violent crime, and 
white collar crime programs to counterterrorism. The FBI has 
transferred even more agent positions than it originally announced and 
has augmented those agents with short-term reassignment of additional 
field agents from drug and other law enforcement areas to work on 
counterterrorism.[Footnote 28] As figure 1 shows, about 25 percent of 
the FBI's field agent positions were allocated to counterterrorism, 
counterintelligence, and cyber crime programs in prior to the FBI's 
change in priorities. Since that time, as a result of the staff 
reprogrammings[Footnote 29] and funding for additional special agent 
positions received through various appropriations, the FBI staffing 
levels allocated to the counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and 
cyber program areas have increased to about 36 percent and now 
represent the single largest concentration of FBI resources and the 
biggest decrease is in organized crime and drugs.

Figure 1: Increase in Allocation of FBI Field Agent Positions to 
Priority Areas[Footnote 30]

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

The FBI's staff reprogramming plans, carried out since September 11, 
have now permanently shifted 674 field agent positions[Footnote 31] 
from the drug, white collar crime, and violent crime program areas to 
counterterrorism and counterintelligence. In addition, the FBI 
established the Cyber program, which consolidated existing cyber 

Despite the reprogramming of agent positions in fiscal year 2003 and 
the additional agent positions received through various supplemental 
appropriations since September 11, agents from other program areas 
continue to be temporarily redirected to work on leads in the priority 
areas, including counterterrorism-related leads.[Footnote 32] This 
demonstrates a commitment on the part of the FBI to staff priority 

As figure 2 shows, the average number of field agent workyears charged 
to investigating counterterrorism-related matters has continually 
outpaced the number of agent positions allocated to field offices for 
counterterrorism since September 11.[Footnote 33] The FBI's current 
policy is that no counterterrorism leads will go unaddressed even if 
addressing them requires a diversion of resources from other criminal 
investigative programs such as the drug, violent, and white collar 

Figure 2: Comparative Analyses of FBI Field Agent Non-Supervisory 
Positions Allocated and Agent Workyears Charged to Counterterrorism 

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: The Time Utilization and Recordkeeping (TURK) system is used by 
the FBI to record the proportion of time spent by field agents on 
various types of investigative matters such as organized crime, white-
collar crime, and counterterrorism. The FBI uses the TURK system to 
track and project the use of field resources. Data derived from the 
TURK system are only as valid as the information reported by FBI field 

As we previously reported, as the FBI gains more experience and 
continues assessing risk in a post-September 11 environment, it should 
gain more expertise in deciding which matters warrant additional 
investigation or investment of investigative resources. However, until 
the FBI develops a mechanism to systematically analyze the nature of 
leads and their output, the FBI will have to continue its substantial 
investment of resources on counterterrorism-related matters to err on 
the side of safety. We are not intending to imply that, even with more 
information from past experience, that all leads should not be 
investigated, but more analytical information about leads could help 
prioritize them.

Neither the FBI nor we were in a position to determine the right amount 
of staff resources needed to address the priority areas. However, the 
body of information that might help to make these determinations is 
growing. Since the September 11 attacks, the FBI has updated its 
counterterrorism threat assessment and has gained additional experience 
in staffing priority work. This development, along with an analysis of 
the nature of all leads (those that turn out to be significant and 
those that do not) and the output from them, could put the bureau in a 
better position to assess the actual levels of staff resources that the 
agency need in counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and cyber 
programs. Of course, any new terrorist incidents would again, upset the 
balance and require additional staff in the priority areas.

An FBI counterterrorism manager we spoke with during a recent field 
office visit said that to develop a system to determine which terrorist 
leads to pursue and which ones to not pursue would be a complex task. 
He noted that in the past there would have been some citizen contacts 
that the FBI may not have generally pursued, but said that now any 
lead, regardless of its nature, is followed up. He observed that 
following up on some of these leads have resulted in the arrests and 
convictions of terrorists. For example, the FBI manager recounted a 
telephone lead from a tour boat operator who reported concerns about a 
passenger who was taking photographs of bridges and asking unusual 
questions about infrastructure. That lead started an investigation that 
led to the arrest of, and criminal charges against, the suspect, who 
was alleged to be plotting a terrorist attack.

According to FBI officials, information from leads is collected in a 
database that can be searched in a number of ways to help in 
investigations. To the extent that more systematic and sophisticated 
analysis routines can be developed and applied to these data (or any 
expansions of this data set) the FBI may be able to develop richer 
information about the relative risk of leads. This information could 
help prioritize work and manage scarce resources. While we agree with 
the FBI counterterrorism manager we cited above who labeled this a 
complex task, the potential value of the output, given that resources 
are always limited, seems worth the investment.

Counterterrorism Matters Have Continued to Increase:

The level of effort in counterterrorism is further reflected in the 
number of counterterrorism matters that have been opened following 
September 11. As figure 3 shows, the number of newly opened 
counterterrorism matters has remained significantly above the pre-
September 11 levels, peaking in the second quarter of fiscal year 2003 
and dropping somewhat in the most recent quarters.

Figure 3: Number of Counterterrorism Matters Newly Opened, Fiscal Year 
2001 through Fiscal Year 2003:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Reallocation of FBI Resources Has Affected the FBI's Drug Enforcement 
and Other Traditional Law Enforcement Efforts:

Use of field agent staff resources in other traditional criminal 
investigative programs (such as drug enforcement, violent crime, and 
white collar crime) has continuously dropped below allocated levels as 
agents from these programs have been temporarily reassigned to work on 
counterterrorism-related matters. As would be expected, the number of 
newly opened drug, violent crime, and white collar crime cases has 
fallen in relation to the decline in the number of field agent 
positions allocated or assigned to work on these programs.

The change in priorities and the accompanying shift in investigative 
resources have affected the FBI's drug program the most. Nearly half of 
the FBI field agent drug positions have been permanently reallocated to 
priority program areas. Since September 11, about 40 percent of the 
positions allocated to FBI field offices' drug program have been 
reallocated to counterterrorism and counterintelligence priority 
areas. As figure 4 shows, just prior to September 11, about two-thirds 
(or 890) of the 1,378 special agent positions allocated to FBI field 
offices for drug program matters were direct-funded.[Footnote 34] The 
remaining one-third (or 488) of the special agent positions was funded 
by the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force program 
(OCDETF). As of the first quarter of fiscal year 2004, the number of 
direct-funded positions allocated to FBI field offices for the drug 
program had decreased over 60 percent, going from 890 to 337. OCDETF-
funded agent positions, which have remained constant, now account for 
about 60 percent of the FBI field offices' drug program staff 

Figure 4: Number of Special Agent Positions Allocated to FBI Field 
Offices for Drug Work since September 11:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

While this reduction represents a substantial decline in the number of 
field agent positions allocated to drug work, in fact, the reduction in 
drug enforcement workyears was actually larger than these figures 
reflect. Specifically, as needs arose for additional agents to work 
counterterrorism leads, field agents assigned to drug program squads 
were temporarily reassigned to the priority work. As figure 5 shows, at 
the extreme, during the first quarter of fiscal year 2002 (just after 
the events of September 11), while 1,378 special agent positions were 
allocated to drug work, only about half of these staff resources worked 
in the FBI drug program. In mid-fiscal year 2003, the allocated number 
of drug agent positions and the average number of field agent workyears 
charged to drug matters started to converge toward the new targeted 
levels. Since that time, however, the FBI has had to redirect 
additional field agents allocated to its drug program to 
counterterrorism and other priority areas. As of the second quarter of 
fiscal year 2004, about a quarter (225 of 825) of the agents assigned 
to the FBI's drug program were actually working in higher-priority 
areas. The reduction in drug enforcement resources has reduced both the 
number of drug squads in FBI field offices as well as the number of FBI 
agents supporting the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) 
program initiatives, according to FBI officials.[Footnote 35]

Figure 5: Comparative Analyses of FBI Field Agent Non-Supervisory 
Positions Allocated and Agent Workyears Charged to Investigating Drug 
Program Matters:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

The significant reduction in agent strength in the drug enforcement 
area is likely to be an important factor in the smaller number of FBI 
drug matters opened in fiscal year 2003 and the first quarter of fiscal 
year 2004. As figure 6 shows, the number of newly opened drug matters 
went from 2420 in fiscal year 1998 to 950 in fiscal year 2002 and to 
587 in fiscal year 2003. The openings for the first quarter of fiscal 
year 2004 indicate a rate for the entire year at about fiscal year 2003 

Figure 6: Number of FBI Drug Matters Newly Opened, Fiscal Year 1998 
through First Quarter, Fiscal Year 2004:

[See PDF for image]

[A] This figure includes only the first quarter of fiscal year 2004.

[End of figure]

Similarly, as figures 7 and 8 show, the average number of field agent 
workyears charged to violent crime and white collar crime matters also 
declined below the number of allocated agent workyears as these agents 
too have been temporarily redirected to counterterrorism-related 

Figure 7: Comparative Analysis of FBI Field Agent Non-Supervisory 
Positions Allocated and Agent Workyears Charged to Investigating 
Violent Crime Matters:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Figure 8: Comparative Analysis of FBI Field Non-Supervisory Positions 
Allocated and Agent Workyears Charged to Investigating White-Collar 
Crime Matters:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

As figures 9 and 10 show, the number of newly opened violent crime and 
white collar crime matters has declined since September 11.

Figure 9: Number of FBI Violent Crime Matters Newly Opened, Fiscal 
Years 1998 through First Quarter Fiscal Year 2004:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Figure 10: Number of FBI White Collar Crime Matters Newly Opened, 
Fiscal Years 1998 through First Quarter Fiscal Year 2004:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]


The FBI's transformation effort is driven in part by challenges facing 
the federal government as a whole to modernize business processes, 
information technology, and human capital management. It is also driven 
by the need to make organizational changes to meet changes in its 
priorities in the post-September 11 environment. This effort will 
require a structure for guiding and continuously evaluating incremental 
progress of the FBI's transformation. It must also be carried out as 
part of, and consistent with, broader government-wide transformation 
efforts that are taking place, especially those resulting from the 
establishment of DHS and in connection with the intelligence community. 
The FBI has made substantial progress, as evidenced by the development 
of both a new strategic plan and a strategic human capital plan, as 
well as its realignment of staff to better address the new priorities. 
Although the new strategic plan and strategic human capital plans 
include cross walks to each other, we still believe that an overall 
transformation plan is more valuable in managing the transformation 
process. The FBI is also making progress in strengthening its 
management of IT, including establishing institutional IT management 
controls and considering changes to the scope of CIO's authority over 
IT spending.

Impacts of the FBI shift in field agent resources on crime programs 
including the FBI's drug, white collar, and violent crime programs 
should be monitored. Our ongoing work, which we expect to complete 
later this year, will provide information on whether other federal and 
state resources are replacing lost FBI resources in the traditional 
crime areas and on whether reductions in FBI drug program field agents 
have had an impact on the price, purity, availability, and use of 
illegal drugs.

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, this concludes my 
prepared statement. I would be pleased to answer any questions you and 
the Subcommittee members may have.

GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments:

For further information about this statement, please contact Laurie E. 
Ekstrand, Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues, on (202) 512-
8777 or at or Charles Michael Johnson, Assistant 
Director, Homeland Security and Justice, on (202) 512-7331 or at For further information on governmentwide 
Information Technology issues, please contact Randolph C. Hite, 
Director, Information Technology Architecture and Systems Issues, on 
(202) 512-6256 or at For further information on 
governmentwide human capital or transformation issues, please contact 
J. Christopher Mihm, Director, Strategic Issues, on (202) 512-6806 or 

Major contributors to this testimony included William Bates, R. 
Rochelle Burns, Katherine Chu-Hickman, Orlando Copeland, Elizabeth 
Curda, Benjamin Jordan, Deborah Knorr, Jessica Lundberg, Paula Moore, 
Gary Mountjoy, Lisa Shibata, Sarah E. Veale, and Angela Watson.

[End of section]

Appendix I: FBI Reengineering Projects Completed and Underway:

Core processes: Strategic planning and execution (6); 
Reengineering projects: HQ organizational structure; 
Reengineering projects: Strategic planning process; 
Reengineering projects: Communication strategy; 
Reengineering projects: Executive secretariat; 
Reengineering projects: Project management; 
Reengineering projects: Inspection process.

Core processes: Capital (human and equipment) (17); 
Reengineering projects: Career development/succession planning; 
Reengineering projects: Executive development and selection program 
Reengineering projects: File/clerical support; 
Reengineering projects: Office of professional responsibility; 
Reengineering projects: Training; 
Reengineering projects: Hiring and recruiting; 
Reengineering projects: Fitness test/height-weight standards; 
Reengineering projects: Preparation for legal attaché assignment; 
Reengineering projects: Administrative officer position upgrade; 
Reengineering projects: Analyst professionalism; 
Reengineering projects: Culture/values; 
Reengineering projects: Time utililization record keeping system 
Reengineering projects: Asset Management; 
Reengineering projects: Financial audit streamlining; 
Reengineering projects: Management of supplies purchase and 
Reengineering projects: Field office reorganization; 
Reengineering projects: Resident agency consolidation.

Core processes: Information management (4); 
Reengineering projects: Trilogy; 
Reengineering projects: Top secret/sensitive compartment information 
(TS/SCI) local area network; 
Reengineering projects: Records management division reorganization; 
Reengineering projects: (6): Rapid start/ICON.

Core processes: Investigative programs (6); 
Reengineering projects: Counterterrorism strategy; 
Reengineering projects: Counterintelligence strategy; 
Reengineering projects: Cyber strategy; 
Reengineering projects: Criminal investigation division strategy; 
Reengineering projects: Manual of Investigative Operations and 
Guidelines (MIOG)/Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures 
(MAOP) Project; 
Reengineering projects: Foreign intelligence surveillance act.

Core processes: Intelligence (2); 
Reengineering projects: Review criminal informant program (CIP) and 
asset program issues; 
Reengineering projects: Analytical tools for intelligence analysts.

Core processes: Security Management (5); 
Reengineering projects: Continuity of operations planning (COOP); 
Reengineering projects: FBI headquarters space strategy; 
Reengineering projects: Vital records; 
Reengineering projects: Security manual pilot project; 
Reengineering projects: Repository for Office of Professional Review 
(OPR) appeals/security violations. 

Source: FBI:

[End of table]


[1] See U.S. General Accounting Office, FBI Reorganization: Progress 
Made in Efforts, but Major Challenges Continue, GAO-03-759T 
(Washington, D.C.: June 18, 2003).

[2] We judgmentally selected field offices with the largest number of 
special agent positions to be reallocated either away from drug 
enforcement or to the counterterrorism program areas based on the FBI's 
May 2002 reallocation plans. As a result, we visited the FBI's Atlanta, 
Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New York 
City, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Antonio, San Francisco, and Washington 
field offices in 2003 and the Dallas, Miami, and Washington field 
offices in 2004.

[3] We obtained input from 176 special agents and 34 analysts. These 
FBI investigative resources were not randomly selected from all agents 
and analysts in the 14 offices we visited. In addition, we did not 
specifically choose the agents who completed our questionnaire. FBI 
field office managers selected agents and analysts to participate in 
our inquiry. Consequently, we consider the questionnaire and interview 
results to be indicators of the FBI's transformation efforts but they 
cannot be generalized to all agents and analysts in these offices or to 
the FBI nationwide.

[4] Pub. L. No. 103-62, 107 Stat. 285 (1993).

[5] U.S. General Accounting Office, Agencies' Strategic Plans Under 
GPRA: Key Questions to Facilitate Congressional Review, GAO/GGD-10.1.16 
(Washington, D.C.: May 1, 1997). U.S. General Accounting Office, 
Executive Guide: Effectively Implementing the Government Performance 
and Results Act, GAO/GGD-96-118 (Washington, D.C.: June 1996).

[6] We interviewed officials from the National Sheriffs' Association, 
National Association of Chiefs of Police, International Association of 
Chiefs of Police, and local police agencies located in most of the 
cities in which we made FBI field office visits in 2003.

[7] U.S. General Accounting Office, FBI Reorganization: Progress Made 
in Efforts to Transform, but Major Challenges Continue GAO-03-759T 
(Washington, D.C.: June 18, 2003).

[8] For more information, see U.S. General Accounting Office, Results-
Oriented Cultures: Implementation Steps to Assist Mergers and 
Organizational Transformation GAO-03-669 (Washington, D.C.: July 2, 

[9] The FBI has core-reengineering processes under way in the following 
areas: (1) strategic planning and execution, (2) capital (human and 
equipment), (3) information management, (4) investigative programs, (5) 
intelligence, and (6) security management. There are about 40 business 
process-reengineering initiatives under these six core areas. Appendix 
I outlines the various initiatives under each core area.

[10] Strategic planning is one of about 40 ongoing reengineering 
projects the FBI has to undertaken to address issues related to its 
transformation efforts. 

[11] Over 80 percent of the special agents and 24 of the 34 analysts 
who completed our questionnaire in 2003 ranked counterterrorism, 
counterintelligence, and cyber crime investigations as the FBI's first, 
second, and third priorities, respectively.

[12] U.S. General Accounting Office A Model of Strategic Human Capital 
Management, GAO-02-373SP, Washington, D.C.: (March 2002).

[13] U.S. General Accounting Office Human Capital: Effective Use of 
Flexibilities Can Assist Agencies in Managing Their Workforces, 
GAO-03-2, Washington, D.C.: (Dec. 6, 2002).

[14] U.S. General Accounting Office, Results-Oriented Cultures: Using 
Balanced Expectations to Manage Senior Executive Performance, GAO-02-
966 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 27, 2002).

[15] U.S. General Accounting Office, Maximizing the Success of Chief 
Information Officers: Learning from Leading Organizations, GAO-01-376G 
(Washington, D.C.: February 2001) and U.S. General Accounting Office, 
Architect of the Capitol: Management and Accountability Framework 
Needed for Organizational Transformation, GAO-03-231 (Washington, 
D.C.: January 2003).

[16] An architecture is a set of descriptive models (e.g., diagrams and 
tables) that define, in business terms and in technology terms, how an 
organization operates today, how it intends to operate in the future, 
and how it intends to invest in technology to transition from today's 
operational environment to tomorrow's. 

[17] For example, see Federal Bureau of Investigation, Statement of 
Robert S. Mueller, III, Federal Bureau of Investigation before the 
Subcommittee for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the 
Judiciary, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of 
Representatives, (Washington, D.C.: June 2002).

[18] For example, see GAO-03-231 and GAO-01-376G.

[19] U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, 
Federal Bureau of Investigation's Management of Information Technology 
Investments, Report 03-09 (Washington, D.C.: December 2002).

[20] U.S. General Accounting Office, Information Technology: A 
Framework for Assessing and Improving Enterprise Architecture 
Management (Version 1.1), GAO-03-584G (Washington, DC: April 2003).

[21] See for example, U.S. General Accounting Office, DOD Business 
Systems Modernization: Improvements to Enterprise Architecture 
Development and Implementation Efforts Needed, GAO-03-458, 
(Washington, D.C.: February 2003); Information Technology: DLA Should 
Strengthen Business Systems Modernization Architecture and Investment 
Activities, GAO-01-631 (Washington, D.C.: June 2001); and Information 
Technology: INS Needs to Better Manage the Development of Its 
Enterprise Architecture, GAO/AIMD-00-212 (Washington, D.C.: August 

[22] U.S. General Accounting Office, Information Technology: FBI Needs 
an Enterprise Architecture to Guide Its Modernization Activities, 
GAO-03-959 (Washington, D.C.: September 2003) and U.S. General 
Accounting Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation's Comments on Recent 
GAO Report on its Enterprise Architecture Efforts, GAO-04-190R 
(Washington, D.C.: November 2003).

[23] U.S. General Accounting Office, Information Technology Investment 
Management: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity, 
Exposure Draft, GAO/AIMD-10.1.23 (Washington, D.C.: May 2000). In March 
2004, GAO updated this version: U.S. General Accounting Office, 
Information Technology Investment Management: A Framework for Assessing 
and Improving Process Maturity, Version 1.1, GAO-04-394G (Washington, 
D.C.: March 2004).

[24] Department of the Justice, Office of the Inspector General Report 

[25] U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, Action 
Required on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Management of 
Information Technology Investments, Audit Report Number 03-09, 
(Washington, D.C.: January 2004).

[26] According to the FBI, the existing applications are Integrated 
Intelligence Information Application (a database of over 20 million 
records supporting collection, analysis and dissemination of 
intelligence for national security and counterterrorism 
investigations); Criminal Law Enforcement Application (a repository for 
storing, searching, and linking investigative data about people, 
organizations, locations, vehicles, and communications); Telephone 
Application (FBI's central repository supporting collection, analysis, 
correlation and processing of telephone records for investigations); 
and Automated Case Support (a suite of integrated applications for 
managing, storing and searching information and documents for FBI 
investigations and administrative cases).

[27] We currently have work under way for the House Appropriations 
Subcommittee to assess the impact of the FBI's realignment of resources 
away from drug and other traditional criminal programs, including an 
assessment of changes in price, purity, and use of illegal drugs. We 
expect to report out on this effort later in the year.

[28] The FBI later in fiscal year 2003 initiated another reprogramming 
to permanently reallocate about an additional 160 agent positions from 
its drug program to one of the priority areas.

[29] The FBI has the authority to reprogram funds (i.e., move funds 
between activities within a given account) without notifying the 
relevant appropriations committees unless a specific purpose is 
prohibited or the amount of the reprogramming exceeds a dollar 
threshold ($500,000 or a 10-percent change in funding level, whichever 
is less). Any other reprogramming action requires notification of the 
relevant appropriations committee 15 days in advance of the 

[30] These percentages differ from those reported in our June 18, 2003 
testimony (GAO-03-759T), which were limited to direct funded field 
agent positions.

[31] The figure of 674 positions excludes 11 supervisory positions that 
were returned to the drug program.

[32] The FBI has certain managerial flexibilities to temporarily 
redirect staff resources to address critical needs and threats.

[33] A workyear represents the full-time employment of one worker for 1 
year. For this statement, a matter is an allegation that is being or 
has been investigated by the FBI.

[34] FBI's drug program workforce is composed of field agent positions 
funded through direct FBI appropriations and those supported with 
OCDETF funds. The OCDETF Program was established in 1982 to focus 
federal, state, and local law enforcement efforts against organized 
crime drug-trafficking organizations that pose the most serious threat 
to our national interests.

[35] The HIDTA program began in 1990 to provide federal assistance to 
help coordinate and enhance federal, state, and local drug enforcement 
efforts in areas of major illegal drug production, manufacturing, 
distribution, transportation, and use.