Responses of Federal Agencies and Airports We Surveyed About Access Security Improvements

GAO-01-1069R August 31, 2001
Full Report (PDF, 3 pages)  


Earlier this year, in response to concerns about the use of stolen or counterfeit law enforcement badges or credentials to gain access to secure government buildings and airports, GAO conducted an undercover operation during which GAO special agents gained entry into many federal sites and two commercial airports in the Washington, D.C., area and in Orlando, Florida. GAO surveyed these federal facilities and airports, along with 23 other major federal agencies, about any security improvements that they may have taken as a result of GAO's investigation. All 43 agencies and airports queried responded to GAO's survey, and many said that they had either started or completed a security assessment of existing security policies and procedures. GAO has not verified whether the reported specific security enhancements have actually been implemented.

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