Cancer Biomarkers Study Section [CBSS]

[CBSS Membership Roster] [CBSS Meeting Rosters]

The Cancer Biomarkers Study Section reviews applications addressing the discovery, development, and validation of biomarkers for diagnosing cancer, monitoring its progression, assessing patient prognosis, and assessing response to treatment through the measuring disease burden, measurement of minimal residual disease, and detection of tumor recurrence. Specific areas covered by CBSS:

  • The use of specific assays or global molecular profiling to identify novel biomarkers based on DNA, RNA, protein, lipids, or metabolites obtained from tumor tissue or bodily fluids
  • Early detection of cancer, monitoring of its progression or response to therapy using available medical imaging approaches including MRI, PET, MRS, fluorescence, and immunohistochemical assays
  • Validation of new biomarkers using animal models, human materials and clinical trials
  • Clinical trials (of all phases) where the goal is biomarker validation
  • Development of novel methods for biostatistical analysis, informatics, and modeling that facilitate the discovery, evaluation, and use of markers

The study sections with most closely related areas of similar science listed in rank order are:

Epidemiology of Cancer [EPIC]    
Clinical Oncology [CONC]   
Radiation Therapeutics and Biology [RTB] 
Medical Imaging [MEDI] 
Enabling Bioanalytical and Biophysical Technologies [EBT]  


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Last updated: February 04, 2009

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