Somatosensory and Chemosensory Systems Study Section [SCS]

[SCS Membership Roster] [SCS Meeting Rosters]

The Somatosensory and Chemosensory Systems [SCS] Study Section reviews research on the anatomy, physiology and psychophysics of chemosensory, pain, analgesia and somatosensory systems in animals and humans. The emphasis is on integrative systems approaches to understanding normal sensory function. Specific areas covered by SCS:

  • Chemosensation: olfaction, taste, vomeronasal and trigeminal chemosensory systems studied with approaches ranging from molecular techniques to human psychophysics.
  • Pain, itch and analgesia: mediation and modulation of nociception looking at critical circuits [spinal and supraspinal] important in pain sensation.
  • Touch, temperature, and vibrotactile sensation: neurobiological aspects of somesthesis.

The study sections with most closely related areas of similar science listed in rank order are:

Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Trauma [SAT]  
Molecular Neuropharmacology and Signaling Study Section [MNPS]  
Neurotransporters, Receptors, Channels and Calcium Signaling Study Section [NTRC]  
Biophysics of Neural Systems Study Section [BPNS] 
Sensorimotor Integration Study Section [SMI] 

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Last updated: March 21, 2009

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