New Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Structure/Function and Dynamics Study Section Begins This Month

The newly formed Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Structure/Function and Dynamics (NCSD) Study Section will assign applications starting with the Feb. 5 receipt date and begin reviewing them in June.

NCSD will cover scientific areas previously assigned to the Cell Structure Function and Nuclear Dynamics and Transport Study Sections. Now, NCSD will review applications that focus broadly on elucidating basic molecular mechanisms of cells and tissues. Specific examples of areas these applications would emphasize include:  nuclear architecture, cytoskeletal dynamics, membrane traffic, organelle biogenesis, cell and organelle motility and exocytosis.

This new study section is part of the Center for Scientific Review’s effort to realign science in its peer review groups and ensure more effective and efficient reviews of applications, ultimately helping NIH achieve the greatest public health impact.  The Cell Structure Function and Nuclear Dynamics Study Sections are reviewing their final round of applications.

Go to our Web site for more information and a complete description.  NCSD’s Scientific Review Officer is Dr. Alexandra Ainsztein. Reach her at or 301-451-3848.


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