Daily Whipline

July 20, 2009


Printable Format

House Meets At... Votes Predicted At...
12:00 p.m. For Morning Hour
2:00 p.m. For Legislative Business
Unlimited "One-Minutes" Per Side
Last Vote: 7:00 p.m.
Any anticipated Member absences for votes this week should be reported to the Office of the Majority Whip at 226-3210

Floor Schedule and Procedure

  • Suspension Bills: Today, the House will consider several bills on the Suspension calendar.  Bills considered on the Suspension calendar are debatable for 40 minutes; may not be amended; and require a two-thirds vote for passage.  If a recorded vote is requested, it will be postponed.

    1. H.Res. 607 - Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (Rep. Hall (TX) - Science and Technology)

    2. H.R. 2729 - To authorize the designation of National Environmental Research Parks by the Secretary of Energy (Rep. Lujan - Science and Technology)

    3. H.R. 1622 - To provide for a program of research, development, and demonstration on natural gas vehicles (Rep. Sullivan - Science and Technology)

    4. H.Res. 507 - Supporting the goals of National Dairy Month (Rep. Courtney - Agriculture)

    5. H.Res. 270 - Recognizing the establishment of Hunters for the Hungry programs across the United States and the contributions of those programs efforts to decrease hunger and help feed those in need (Rep. Gingrey - Agriculture)

    6. H.Con.Res. 164 - Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Food and Nutrition Service of the Department of Agriculture (Rep. McGovern - Agriculture)

    7. S.Con.Res. 30 - Recognizing the Bureau of Labor Statistics for its 125th anniversary (Sen. Schumer - Education and Labor)

    8. H.Con.Res. 123 - Recognizing the historical and national significance of the many contributions of John William Heisman to the sport of football (Rep. Thompson (PA) - Education and Labor)

    9. H.Res. ____ - Instructing Managers in the Impeachment of Judge Kent to advise the Senate that the House does not desire further to urge the articles of impeachment (Rep. Conyers - Judiciary)

    10. H.R. 1933 - A Child Is Missing Alert and Recovery Center Act (Rep. Klein - Judiciary)

    11. H.R. 2632 - Korean War Veterans Recognition Act (Rep. Rangel - Judiciary)

    12. H.R. 2873 - Enhanced S.E.C. Enforcement Authority Act (Rep. Campbell - Financial Services)

    13. H.R. 1675 - Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2009 (Rep. Murphy (CT) - Financial Services)

    14. H.R. 2245 - New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal Act (Rep. Grayson - Financial Services)

Quote of the Day

"Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through, Face it."

- Joseph Conrad