[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 11, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2009]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 11CFR114.10]

[Page 232-234]
                       TITLE 11--FEDERAL ELECTIONS
Sec. 114.10  Nonprofit corporations exempt from the prohibitions on
making independent expenditures and electioneering communications.

    (a) Scope. This section describes those nonprofit corporations that 
qualify for an exemption in 11 CFR 114.2. It sets out the procedures for 
demonstrating qualified nonprofit corporation status, for reporting 
independent expenditures and electioneering communications, and for 
disclosing the potential use of donations for political purposes.
    (b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section--
    (1) The promotion of political ideas includes issue advocacy, 
election influencing activity, and research, training or educational 
activity that is expressly tied to the organization's political goals.
    (2) A corporation's express purpose includes:
    (i) The corporation's purpose as stated in its charter, articles of 
incorporation, or bylaws, except that a statement such as ``any lawful 
purpose,'' ``any lawful activity,'' or other comparable statement will 
not preclude a finding under paragraph (c) of this section that the 
corporation's only express purpose is the promotion of political ideas;
    (ii) The corporation's purpose as publicly stated by the corporation 
or its agents; and
    (iii) Purposes evidenced by activities in which the corporation 
actually engages.
    (3)(i) The term business activities includes but is not limited to:
    (A) Any provision of goods or services that results in income to the 
corporation; and
    (B) Advertising or promotional activity which results in income to 
the corporation, other than in the form of membership dues or donations.
    (ii) The term business activities does not include fundraising 
activities that are expressly described as requests for donations that 
may be used for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing 
    (4) The term shareholder has the same meaning as the term 
stockholder, as defined in 11 CFR 114.1(h).
    (c) Qualified nonprofit corporations. For the purposes of this 
section, a

[[Page 233]]

qualified nonprofit corporation is a corporation that has all the 
characteristics set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(5) of this 
    (1) Its only express purpose is the promotion of political ideas, as 
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section;
    (2) It cannot engage in business activities;
    (3) It has:
    (i) No shareholders or other persons, other than employees and 
creditors with no ownership interest, affiliated in any way that could 
allow them to make a claim on the organization's assets or earnings; and
    (ii) No persons who are offered or who receive any benefit that is a 
disincentive for them to disassociate themselves with the corporation on 
the basis of the corporation's position on a political issue. Such 
benefits include but are not limited to:
    (A) Credit cards, insurance policies or savings plans; and
    (B) Training, education, or business information, other than that 
which is necessary to enable recipients to engage in the promotion of 
the group's political ideas.
    (4) It:
    (i) Was not established by a business corporation or labor 
    (ii) Does not directly or indirectly accept donations of anything of 
value from business corporations, or labor organizations; and
    (iii) If unable, for good cause, to demonstrate through accounting 
records that paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section is satisfied, has a 
written policy against accepting donations from business corporations or 
labor organizations; and
    (5) It is described in 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(4).
    (d) Permitted corporate independent expenditures and electioneering 
communications. (1) A qualified nonprofit corporation may make 
independent expenditures, as defined in 11 CFR 100.16, without violating 
the prohibitions against corporate expenditures contained in 11 CFR part 
    (2) A qualified nonprofit corporation may make electioneering 
communications, as defined in 11 CFR 100.29, without violating the 
prohibitions against corporate expenditures contained in 11 CFR part 
    (3) Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this 
section, qualified nonprofit corporations remain subject to the 
requirements and limitations of 11 CFR part 114, including those 
provisions prohibiting corporate contributions, whether monetary or in-
    (e) Qualified nonprofit corporations; reporting requirements--(1) 
Procedures for demonstrating qualified nonprofit corporation status. (i) 
If a corporation makes independent expenditures under paragraph (d)(1) 
of this section that aggregate in excess of $250 in a calendar year, the 
corporation shall certify, in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(i)(B) of 
this section, that it is eligible for an exemption from the prohibitions 
against corporate expenditures contained in 11 CFR part 114.
    (A) This certification is due no later than the due date of the 
first independent expenditure report required under paragraph (e)(2)(i) 
of this section.
    (B) This certification may be made either as part of filing FEC Form 
5 (independent expenditure form) or, if the corporation is not required 
to file electronically under 11 CFR 104.18, by submitting a letter in 
lieu of the form. The letter shall contain the name and address of the 
corporation and the signature and printed name of the individual filing 
the qualifying statement. The letter shall also certify that the 
corporation has the characteristics set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) 
through (c)(5) of this section. A corporation that does not have all of 
the characteristics set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(5) of 
this section, but has been deemed entitled to qualified nonprofit 
corporation status by a court of competent jurisdiction in a case in 
which the same corporation was a party, may certify that application of 
the court's ruling to the corporation's activities in a subsequent year 
entitles the corporation to qualified nonprofit corporation status. Such 
certification shall be included in the letter submitted in lieu of the 
FEC form.

[[Page 234]]

    (ii) If a corporation makes electioneering communications under 
paragraph (d)(2) of this section that aggregate in excess of $10,000 in 
a calendar year, the corporation shall certify, in accordance with 
paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(B) of this section, that it is eligible for an 
exemption from the prohibitions against corporate expenditures contained 
in 11 CFR part 114.
    (A) This certification is due no later than the due date of the 
first electioneering communication statement required under paragraph 
(e)(2)(ii) of this section.
    (B) This certification must be made as part of filing FEC Form 9 
(electioneering communication form).
    (2) Reporting independent expenditures and electioneering 
communications. (i) Qualified nonprofit corporations that make 
independent expenditures aggregating in excess of $250 in a calendar 
year shall file reports as required by 11 CFR part 104.
    (ii) Qualified nonprofit corporations that make electioneering 
communications aggregating in excess of $10,000 in a calendar year shall 
file statements as required by 11 CFR 104.14.
    (f) Solicitation; disclosure of use of contributions for political 
purposes. Whenever a qualified nonprofit corporation solicits donations, 
the solicitation shall inform potential donors that their donations may 
be used for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing 
    (g) Non-authorization notice. Qualified nonprofit corporations 
making independent expenditures or electioneering communications under 
this section shall comply with the requirements of 11 CFR 110.11.
    (h) Segregated bank account. A qualified nonprofit corporation may, 
but is not required to, establish a segregated bank account into which 
it deposits only funds donated or otherwise provided by individuals, as 
described in 11 CFR part 104, from which it makes disbursements for 
electioneering communications.
    (i) Activities prohibited by the Internal Revenue Code. Nothing in 
this section shall be construed to authorize any organization exempt 
from taxation under 26 U.S.C. 501(a), including any qualified nonprofit 
corporation, to carry out any activity that it is prohibited from 
undertaking by the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 501, et seq.

[60 FR 35305, July 6, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 38424, June 21, 2000; 67 
FR 65211, Oct. 23, 2002]

    Editorial Note: At 67 FR 78682, Dec. 26, 2002, Sec. 114.10(e)(2) 
was amended by removing ``109.2'' and adding ``109.10''. However, this 
reference does not exist.