Soccer Clinics for Pakistan's Young Rising Stars -- Transcript

Background noise from soccer practice and commands given out in the soccer players' native language.

I'm very passionate about sports. The best thing I like about the U.S. is that they incorporate sports into everything. It's fitness, it's health, it's life. [Right.] It's everything. You learn so much from sports.

Basically they take us to different schools, different universities, make us meet different people and mostly girls our age, so we can see how they play soccer, so we can interact with them. I think it not only helps our game, not only does it help us improve our skills, it helps our confidence.

Plus, they had some fun activities planned.

What was your favorite thing here, Zara?

The Freedom game -- the part where they announce our club's name and they were like: "The Freedom players would like to welcome their special guests, the YRS," that was amazing.

Gasps Oh my God, that was a great feeling.

Yesterday we went ziplining, which was cool. We were all harnessed and had these interesting rope horses with obstacles. That was fun. It taught us a lot, I think we learned a lot from that. They took us to a high school that's where we learned futsal.

VIDEO CLIP: There are people in our country who claim they know futsal and they talk about it but this is a whole new world. They have no idea about this so we will be really proud to go back and teach them.

So it's all been interesting. It's been a new experience. I'm thrilled. We are on our toes from 8 to 7: 8 o'clock in the morning until 7 in the evening. It's fun and it's energizing.

Has this experience helped you all bond better as a team?

Oh, yes.

I definitely want to continue as long as I can. I go to college -- what they call "college" here, basically we call "university" -- I'm in my second semester. It is getting tough, my studies are getting tough, but there's no way I want to leave football because that is one thing that helps me keep a balance in my life. So I will go far with it as much as I can.

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