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Homeland Security

Last September, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker presented their report on the progress in Iraq. It is clear now that the surge is working, and success is attainable if we give the troops a realistic opportunity to meet their goals. Sectarian violence and civilian casualties have sharply decreased, the stream of recruits for al Qaeda has been steadily drying up, and we have begun to see the seeds of political progress grow in local communities.

During his visit to Iraq in August 2007, Congressman Lamborn was able to meet with a number of our servicemen and women from the 5th Congressional District. Their attitude was positive and confident. When asked what message he should bring to the people back home, they said, ‘We can win this if you let us.’ Congressman Lamborn believes victory can and will come as long as congressional micromanagement does not stand in the way of our troops.

U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is necessary to maintain our security. Congressman Lamborn believes strongly that we must not lose our resolve to win the Global War on Terror in Washington as politicians and political groups bicker for partisan gain. This would do a tremendous disservice to those who have sacrificed so much.

The troops are in the field fighting for our freedom and security each day and Congressman Lamborn is committed to helping them win. During his time in Congress, Congressman Lamborn has worked to ensure our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines have the resources and funding necessary to win the Global War on Terror.

As the people of Iraq and Afghanistan continue to progress in their ability and willingness to govern and to defend themselves, we will continue to do our part in promoting democracy. We must build alliances with progressive Middle Eastern nations, and most importantly, stop all who wish to harm America. The world should confront rogue nations such as Iran and North Korea with a strong and united voice. Nuclear threats will be met with grave consequences.

Congressman Lamborn remains dedicated to the safety of our troops and the security of our nation. Below is a list several pieces of legislation and other actions Congressman Lamborn has taken to promote these goals.