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Lowey, Engel, Hinchey and Hall Urge President Bush to Provide Disaster Relief to Storm-Ravaged Parts of New York
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland) was joined today by Congressmen Eliot Engel (D-17), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY22) and John Hall (D-NY19) in sending a letter to President Bush urging him to provide the disaster assistance Governor Spitzer requested for parts of New York affected by recent flooding and storms.  A copy of their letter to the President is attached.
“It is vitally important that the areas ravaged by the nor’easter be given the federal support they need,” Lowey said.  “I will continue working closely with the Governor, County Executive Spano, and local governments in the coming days and weeks to press for the federal government’s support to address the aftermath of the flooding.  I urge the White House to review and approve this request as quickly as possible.”
Congressman Eliot Engel said, “There are reports back from inspection teams saying that the damage is worse then anyone thought. Homes and businesses have been destroyed. Not only must the Federal government step in now, we must put together a program to prevent future flooding so the people of the Hudson Valley will not have to face this trauma again. Gov. Spitzer was quick to react and I fully support his call for Federal disaster relief.”
"Our area was pounded with a devastating storm that has left millions of New Yorkers looking for help, which is why we need the federal government to step in and provide the resources that can help people get back on their feet," Hinchey said. "Governor Spitzer moved quickly to request disaster relief and my colleagues and I today are urging President Bush to respond immediately with the necessary funding and support."
"The flooding brought on by this devastating storm has affected homes and businesses throughout the Hudson Valley," said Hall.  "FEMA needs to take swift action to help our communities cope with the widespread damage from this heavy rainstorm.  Federal aid will be needed to ensure that the region recovers quickly and local families can begin to rebuild their lives as soon as possible."