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Rep. John Hall’s Statement in Support of Wounded Warrior Bill
Thursday, March 29, 2007
-Legislation a Response to Deplorable Conditions at Walter Reed Hospital-
Washington, DC – U. S. Rep. John Hall (NY-19), chairman of the House Veterans’ Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, released the following statement after the House passed the Wounded Warrior Assistance Act of 2007 (HR 1538) on Wednesday, March 28: 
“Passing the Wounded Warriors Assistance Act makes plain that Congress is committed to changing how combat veterans are treated,” said Hall. “Turning our backs on the men and women who are injured in battle will no longer be tolerated.
“The House has taken concrete steps to ensure that no combat veteran will receive the deplorable treatment that was only recently made public at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military hospitals throughout the country.
“This important legislation focuses on three key goals:  It improves access to quality medical care for outpatients at military health facilities; it begins to overhaul the disability evaluation system and eliminate bureaucratic duplication and confusion; and it eases the transition of wounded service members from the Armed Forces to the VA so the quality of their health care is not diminished.
“Our nation has a commitment to our soldiers who have volunteered to sacrifice in order to keep us safe. This bill states clearly that we intend to keep our promises to those who are wounded in battle and give them the best treatment possible.”
