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Rep. John Hall's Statement on House Passage of the FY08 Budget Resolution
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Washington, DC - U.S. Rep. John Hall released the following statement today after the House of Representatives passed the fiscal year 2008 budget resolution, which set maximum spending levels for the coming Federal fiscal year:
"The budget resolution passed in the House today focuses on the right
priorities for the country while demonstrating fiscal discipline and leading us back towards a balanced budget.  While showing fiscal restraint, this budget resolution increases funding for children's health insurance programs, veterans' health care and important education programs under No Child Left Behind.
"It also provides for tax cuts for middle class families through Alternative Minimum Tax relief and creates a budget surplus in the years ahead.
"It does NOT raise taxes, and it DOES begin to stop the bleeding of the national treasury that has been taking place for the last six years.  It's time to get our country's financial house in order and start moving out of the red ink and back into the black. That's what the budget resolution that the House just passed will do."