National Geographic
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What's Inside
No one could have seen it coming. The sea that day was calm, the sky clear. For the seven men aboard a small chartered fishing boat in the Atlantic, conditions were ideal. Then the ocean rose up.
Gaze at a beautiful type of depression—the kind created by forces of nature and that graces the Earth in various shapes and hues.
Adventure and exploration don't have to take place worlds away. This September, plan or find a great outdoor play event for kids in your community.
Modern treasure seekers and others try to get to the bottom of a centuries-old myth.
Inspired by word of a new Dutch invention, in the autumn of 1609 Galileo fashioned his own simple telescope. When he turned it toward the heavens, modern astronomy was born.

Brazil Canada Germany Japan United Kingdom
Global Sites
Strangers from one
of the most diverse streets in the world help reveal just how closely related we all are.
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2009 International Photo Contest
Submit your prize-winning shot, and see hundreds of awe-inspiring photos from past contestants.
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Our Mission
In Action
Founded in 1888 to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge," the Society works to inspire people to care about the planet.
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