Active Project Portfolio - Quick Source Information Page

United States African Development Foundation
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ID- USADF's internal document tracking code for a particular investment.

- the name of the client group that received a USADF grant in a given country and the primary activity.

Description -
a summary of the how the investment will be used. This entry links to the actual investment description document defining the objectives and performance targets of the investment.
Goals - This entry links to a PDF file of the orginal investment agreement with project goals and objectives.

Value - Total Original US Dollar value of the grant and any budget amendements.
Budget - This entry links to the original investment budget denominated in local currency at the time the grant was awarded.

Start - the date the funds were obligated to the grantee.

End - the last day of the period during which USADF funds will be used to implement an approved investment proposal.

Click on Link Below to see additional details ...  View Botswana Project Map  here.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Trust       Funds are used to improve lodge facilities, increase local management capacity, and expand the ecotourism business linked with the rhino sanctuary
Nov-04 Oct-10
Pitsane Dairy Marketing Cop Society Ltd photos Funds are used to upgrade dairy processing equipment, improving milk quality and increasing returns to dairy farmers in Barlong district
Sep-05 Sep-09
San Arts and Crafts (SAAC) photos       Funds are used to expand operational capacity and services to artisans through the acquisition of equipment, storage space, and marketing services
Sep-05 Sep-10
Boasa Boapele Horticultural Marketing Coop    Funds are used to install cold storage facilities, purchase refrigerated trucks to reducing spoilage loss and increase returns to farmers in Bobirwa
Sep-05 Sep-09
Action for Economic Empowerment Trust (AEET)  Cooperative Agreement funds are used to provide technical assistance and monitoring oversight to existing USADF projects and aid new project reviews CA
CA Jul-06 Sep-08
Chobe Enclave Conservation Trust (CECT)       Funds are used to improve operational capacity and create a business plan for locally managing and preserving the natural beauty of the Chobe area
Sep-06 Sep-08
Veld Products Research and Development (VPRD) photos Funds are used to expand the area cultivated with Hoodia near Gaborone, improve planting techniques, and establish local grower support structures
Sep-06 Sep-08
Botswelelo Centre, Thamaga Pottery photos Funds are used to improve production processes and increase access to regional markets for the high quality dinnerware they produce
Sep-06 Sep-08
Motlhware Community Development Trust         Funds are used to reduce market information gaps and transaction costs for rural livestock farmers selling meat in urban areas
Sep-07 Sep-09
Mmadinare Multipurpose Cooperative Society    Funds are used to improve milk processing equipment and procedures, increasing the quantity and quality of the milk sold by the dairy
Sep-07 Dec-08
Sankuyo Tshwaragano Management Trust (STMT)   Funds are used to expand the community trust's ecotourism lodge and secure a joint venture partner to provide training and management assistance
Sep-07 Sep-12

Mmadinare Multipurpose Cooperative Society


As a follow-up to the successful completion of an EDI grant, this EEI grant enables the Cooperative to enhance and fully utilize existing productive assets and meet the expanding market demand. 




Kgagodi Horticulture

The project provides KDA members access to land, technical assistance, product distribution planning skills and access to transport for crop distribution to local and regional markets.




Moiyabana Leatherworks and Handicrafts Project

This project provides financial and technical support to Moiyabana village members through the production and sale of leather and handicraft goods.




Diloro Milling

This project establishes a milling plant in the Diloro village to offer subsistence farmers in the area a market for grain produced, employment opportunities to its members and access to milling facilities and milled products in the village.




Mogapinyanya Youth Metal Work

With USADF financial assistance, the Association will address the core problem of youth unemployment by producing various metal products for sale, and further expanding production once technical skills are improved.




Tamasane Small Stock and Poultry

With the help of USADF funds, the Association will establish a community farm to raise sheep, goats and poultry in sufficient quantities to sell live animals and eggs at the local market.




Molema Community Trust Enterprise Development

This USADF funded project will use the Participatory Development Methodology – Community Initiatives (PDM-CI) framework with ADF’s partner in Botswana, to enhance the Trust’s ability to identify and plan income generation activities.



1926 Babina Tshipa Development Association (BDA) With USADF funds, BDA will be able to establish a farm with sheep, goats, and pigs by procuring animals, obtaining training and covering operating and construction expenses.
Apr-09 Jun-11 
1927 Gantsi Craft Trust USADF funds will be used for administrative support, operating expenses, and training and capacity building costs to help develop the design, manufacturing, and marketing of San arts and crafts.
Apr-09 Jun-11 
1931 Thobaaxha Community Trust USADF funding will be used to purchase livestock, cover operational and construction expenses, and help the community acquire training to establish and support a horticulture and piggy farm.
Apr-09 Jun-11 
1957 Mowana Trust USADF funding will finance capacity building and training in horticulture and poultry production.
Jun-09 Jun-11 
1964 RobelelaYouth Poultry Farm USADF grant will fund improvements to facilities, financial systems improvements, and marketing planning.
Jun-09 Jun-11 
1970 Huiku Community-Based Natural Resources Conservation Trust USADF funds will provide training, an environmental impact assessment, preparation of a campsite, and the creation of a marketing and business plan.
Jun-09 Dec-10 
1972 Komku Trust (KT) USADF funds will help make improvements to financial systems, training, a farm development and livestock management plan, and a five year business plan.
Jun-09 Jun-11 

CA = See Cooperative Agreement for Details

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Last Updated: June 26, 2009