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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

News List
  • Congressman Davis Comments on the Death of Former President Gerald Ford
    Dec 27, 2006  - Congressman Geoff Davis issued the following statement on the passing of former President Gerald Ford: “Today, our country mourns the passing of Gerald Ford, a humble man and hard-working servant of the people.  As a Member of Congress, President Ford championed the cause of fiscal restraint and hi... More
  • Helping Kentucky’s Homeless
    Dec 26, 2006  - During the holidays we are often reminded of those who are less fortunate than ourselves.  But the problems of homelessness and its effects are felt year round.  To help combat the problems associated with homelessness, I have teamed up with Congresswoman Julia Carson of Indiana to lead a bipartisan... More
  • Congressman Geoff Davis Announces New Field Representative for Maysville Office
    Dec 22, 2006  - Fort Mitchell, KY – Beginning January 2nd, 2007, former Vanceburg Mayor Bill Tom Cooper will be the new Field Representative for Congressman Geoff Davis’ Maysville office. Mr. Cooper is a distinguished Kentuckian and public servant.  He was first elected Mayor of Vanceburg in 1990.  He served on th... More
  • H.R. 6111: Lowering Taxes, Increasing Domestic Energy Production and Protecting Kentucky’s Doctors
    Dec 19, 2006  - Before Congress adjourned, we passed an important bill, H.R. 6111, the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006.  This bill contained critical provisions that will extend tax credits for millions of working Americans, strengthen the development of our domestic energy supply, and help ensure that Medic... More
  • Congressman Davis Leads Bipartisan Effort to Increase Funding for Homeless Assistance Grants
    Dec 18, 2006  - Congressman Geoff Davis has joined Congresswoman Julia Carson [D-IN] in spearheading an effort to increase funding for Homeless Assistance Grants.  Last week, Congressman Davis and Congresswoman Carson were joined by 41 other Members in writing a letter to President Bush asking for a $200 million ... More
  • Finding a Way Forward
    Dec 12, 2006  - The Iraq Study Group (ISG), which was co-chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Chairman of the House International Relations Committee Lee Hamilton, released their much-anticipated findings this past week. I have read the report and found much of it to be simply restating poin... More
  • Congressman Davis Emphasizes Delta’s Importance to Northern Kentucky, Comments on U.S. Airways’ Bid
    Dec 4, 2006  - Today, Congressman Geoff Davis issued the following statement on the importance of Delta to Northern Kentucky and U.S. Airways’ Bid to take over Delta: "The U.S. Airways’ bid to take over Delta Airlines is of great concern to me and the people of the Fourth District.  Delta’s hub and Comair’s headq... More
  • Why America Doesn’t Need A Draft
    Dec 1, 2006  - Recent comments by Congressman Charlie Rangel have sparked debate over whether the United States military has the troop levels needed to maintain our current operations abroad.  Congressman Rangel has argued time and again, without success, for the reinstatement of the draft, a situation that could ... More
  • Working to Keep Taxes Low for Kentucky’s Families and Businesses
    Nov 28, 2006  - Over the past three years, workers, families and businesses across the nation have experienced an unprecedented economic surge.  Last month, as a result of pro-growth economic policies, the federal deficit was cut in half – three years ahead of schedule.  In addition, these economic policies have he... More
  • Physician Reimbursement Critical for Doctors, Patients
    Nov 20, 2006  - One of the most challenging issues facing our country is affordable healthcare.  From reducing the burden of abusive malpractice litigation on Kentucky’s healthcare system to establishing federally regulated Association Health Plans and enacting expanded Health Savings Account legislation, there are... More