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2007 Press Releases


US$18 Million Contribution Ensures Treatment for Three Years

 Ambassador Dell hands over the first batch of ARVs to Zimbabwe's Health Minister Dr. Parirenyatwa, Picture by Nigel Wilson, PAS-Harare
The United States Government will provide the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare with antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for 40,000 Zimbabweans living with HIV and AIIDS, as well as HIV rapid test kits for the next three years, according to a joint announcement by U.S. Ambassador Christopher Dell and Zimbabwe’s Minister of Health and Child Welfare, Dr. P. D. Parirenyatwa. Ambassador Dell informed the Minister of the Government of the United States’ offer during a meeting held on Thursday 31st May 2007. The Minister expressed his deep gratitude for this substantial contribution to Zimbabwe’s ongoing efforts to alleviate the suffering caused by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Teams from the Minister of Health and the American Embassy are meeting to finalise the  details of the United States Government’s contribution and it is expected that the drugs could be made available to Zimbabweans in a matter of weeks. 

he drugs and test kits worth US$6 million per year, brings the total annual Government of the United States contribution to HIV and AIDS prevention, care, and treatment in Zimbabwe to US$31 million.

“I am extremely pleased to announce this new contribution in support of the Government of Zimbabwe’s national HIV and AIDS program. It is the culmination of the many months of work and the fruits of a long term, cooperative relationship with the Ministry in the field of HIV and AIDS. As I will soon depart Zimbabwe, it is particularly gratifying to know that I leave behind a program that will make such a huge difference to the lives of so many Zimbabweans,” said U.S. Ambassador Dell.

“This contribution from the Government of the United States of America comes at a time when Zimbabwe is experiencing a decline in the HIV prevalence rate. It is my hope that other donors and partners, will follow the example of the United States Government.

The partnership between the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare and various health related partners from the United States of America, such as USAID, CDC and many others, has been consistent since independence” said Dr. P. D. Parirenyatwa, Minister of Health and Child Welfare. The Minister of Health and Child Welfare, further indicated that the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe, welcomes all partners who bring resources to compliment the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, in combating the HIV and AIDS pandemic.  

The agreement will lead to approximately US $5 million worth of first-line ARV drugs provided every year to some 40,000 people living with HIV.  The drugs are intended to benefit people who are already registered in ARV programs, guaranteeing regular and reliable access to these life-saving drugs. A consistent supply of drugs to those already taking ARV therapy will provide the Ministry of Health and other donors a solid foundation for expanding the program according to Zimbabwe’s national plan. 

“This initial program will last for three years,” noted the U.S. ambassador, “and we hope that during that time other donors and the Global Fund will be in a position to provide additional support. The successful management of this program will, I am confident, create the foundation for both increased assistance and expansion of ARV treatment in Zimbabwe in the future.” 

In addition to the ARVs, approximately US $1,000,000 worth of HIV rapid test kits will be given every year to be used by Ministry of Health and Child Welfare to support the national testing program throughout the country.  These test kits will support the successful counseling and testing programs that allow Zimbabweans to know their status and make choices about their future. 

The U.S. Government will also continue its technical assistance partnership with the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, to improve supply chain management in the national program and its technical assistance to antiretroviral therapy clinical care and services.

The contribution complements the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare’s HIV/AIDS strategy and programs supported by the Global Fund and the multi-donor Expanded Support Program.

Issued: June 7, 2007