Mike Thompson United States Congressman - First District of California

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$1.6 Million Headed to Crescent City for Harbor Dredging

February 25, 2009

WASHINGTON – Today, the House of Representatives passed an omnibus spending bill that will provide continued funding for governmental programs through the end of fiscal year 2009.  In this bill, North Coast Congressman Mike Thompson secured $1.6 million for Crescent City Harbor Dredging.

“Dredging the harbor must happen both to create economic opportunities and provide basic safety,” said Congressman Thompson. “Right now the federal channel is silted in and in a low-tide boats have difficulty going in and out of the Harbor.  It impedes Coast Guard emergency response time and threatens access to fueling docks.  Dredging the harbor is critical for Crescent City and is a boost to Del Norte County, and I’m proud this funding will finally get the job done.”

“Congressman Thompson pledged to help us secure the funds that were necessary.  We are thrilled that he has delivered, and by the opportunity this funding presents.  Dredging the federal channel is vital for the fishing industry and our local economy,” said Crescent City Harbormaster, Richard Young.

The federal channel in the Crescent City Harbor provides the only access from the harbor to the Pacific Ocean.  Periodic maintenance dredging is required to keep the channel open.  Every vessel entering Crescent City, including the local Coast Guard cutter, commercial fishing vessels, recreational boats, and transient vessels seeking safe harbor, depend on the federal channel for safe access to the harbor.

The federal channel was last dredged in early 2000 and nearly one-third of the channel has since become filled with silt deposits.  In 2007, a vessel ran aground in the channel and unless the dredging takes place soon, this type of incident will become more frequent. 
