Mike Thompson United States Congressman - First District of California

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Speeches on the House of Representatives Floor

Floor Speech on Childrens Health Insurance (2/4/2009)

Floor Speech on Solar Energy (1/27/2009)

Floor speech on improving intelligence community's capabilities (7/16/08)

Floor speech on legislation to improve Medicare (6/24/08)

Floor speech on middle-class tax relief from the alternative minimum tax (12/12/07)

Floor speech on overriding President's veto of children's healthcare (12/12/07)

Floor speech on ending the war in Iraq (11/14/07)

Floor speech on securing passenger rights in FAA Reauthorization (9/20/07)

Floor speech on improving healthcare for children and seniors (8/01/07)

Floor speech on bill to protect the North Coast from off-shore oil and gas drilling (6/26/07)

Floor speech on bill to help doctors in the Reserve and Guard (5/23/07)

Floor speech on amendement to prevent gangs in the military (5/16/07)

Floor speech on the War Funding Accountability Act (5/15/07)

Floor speech on providing funding for rural schools and the Pacific salmon fishing disaster (05/10/07)

Floor speech on pay-as-you-go amendment (01/05/07)


Welcome Video

Watch Congressman Thompson welcome you to his Web site.


Telephone Town Hall

Listen to Congressman Thompson's 2nd Telephone Town Hall with residents of the 1st Congressional District (07/16/08)

Listen to Congressman Thompson's 1st Telephone Town Hall (11/1/07)