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AWC Home > CCFP > info
CCFP Quick Reference Guide
On-line/Printable reference card for CCFP products and collaboration. PDF Format
CCFP Product Description Document
The Product Description Document decribes the Collaborative Convective Forecast Product process. PDF Format
CCFP Training
This briefing describes many aspect of the CCFP including an overview, goals, history, development, format, and utilization of the product. All users are urged to review this briefing prior to using the CCFP. PDF & PPT Formats
         Industry Users Training        PDF Format    PPT Download
         Government Users Training  PDF Format    PPT Download
Convective Links
Several useful convective products from the NWS and AWC are available. Products include Convective SIGMETs, National Convective Weather Forecast (NCWF), NWS Doppler Radar, Watches, Warnings, CWAs, MISs, Mesoscale Discusssions, and Convective Outlooks.
RTVS Verification
Verification of the CCFP including graphical and statistical results are available soon after the forecast valid time. The Real-Time Verification System (RTVS) has been developed and is maintained by the Forecast Systems Laboratory.
2005 Final Users Needs document
Statement of user needs for Collaborative Convective Weather Forecast (CCFP)/2005 Word DOC Format
Useful Links
         FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center
Storms Prediction Center (NOAA/NWS/NCEP)
Air Transport Association
CDM Weather Application Workgroup (WAWG)
FYI/Help Forecast

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METARs     TAFs     PIREPs     SIGMET/AIRMET     Satellite     Radar
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NOAA's National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Aviation Weather Center
7220 NW 101st Terr., Room 118
Kansas City, MO 64153-2371
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Page last modified: February 26, 2007


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