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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Washington Area Congressional Delegation Applauds Subcommittee Approval of $150 Million for Metro

WASHINGTON, DC - This evening, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development approved $150 million in federal funding for Metro capital improvements and preventative maintenance -- the full amount sought by Members of the Washington Metro Area's Congressional Delegation.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
$2.7 Million for Maryland Gang Prevention and Suppression Approved by House

Friday, May 22, 2009
Hoyer Memorial Day Statement

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of Memorial Day, observed Monday, May 25:

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[thumbnail]Thursday, July 30, 2009
Leader Hoyer on Health Care Compromise on Bloomberg

I think the Bill that is being marked up now will go under the votes of the Majority of the members of committee. We then have two other Bills that have to be put together with this one. The Blue Dogs had a different perspective, and that is the legislative process. We have brought this to get there hopefully and we will move forward... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Talking Numbers Behind Health Care Reform on MSNBC

I think the American public has been watching a part of the debate both in the Senate and the House and they see a lot of different opinions. But I think they understand and that poll reflects it that they want a health care reform bill. 94% of them you say are concerned that we won't get the job done. I want to assure them we're going to get the job done. And as you said, a little earlier, we made significant progress last night. The Energy and Commerce Committee is back at the table marking up their bill... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Monday, July 27, 2009
Leader Hoyer on Reforming Health Care on CNN

...the current system is not sustainable. The current system does not include all Americans, and the current system is too expensive and it's not sustainable over the long term. So, we've got to bring the cost curve down, lot of discussion about that. We've got to make sure every American has access to affordable quality health care. We've got to make sure the pre-existing conditions don't preclude people from getting insurance that they need. And we've got to make sure small business can afford insurance. Those are the objectives. (transcript)

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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Local hero, Baltimore Sun

When he entered politics at the age of 27, Steny Hoyer wanted to be the top man in Annapolis. He worked the halls of the State House, eventually winning election to the Senate president's office in 1975 and becoming the youngest person to serve in that position. Four years later, he became Acting Gov. Blair Lee III's running mate, hoping to eventually become governor.

Monday, December 04, 2006
FDA Project At White Oak Right on Track, Washington Post

Four buildings are up and occupied. Three more buildings are under construction. Another is on the drawing board. Three other projects are on a waiting list.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Reinvesting in Our Economy, Rebuilding America

Friday, October 03, 2008
Main Street at Heart of Economic Stabilization Bill

Out economy is not stable. Working families are suffering. We have lost millions of homes to foreclosures. Unemployment is at its highest level in years. Small businesses and individuals are having trouble accessing credit. Retirement accounts have been chipped away.

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