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Lamborn Blasts Wasteful Spending

Urges Private Funding of National Endowment for the Arts

Rep. Lamborn (Colorado Springs) yesterday pushed for a fiscal restraint in federal spending by offering an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2008 House Interior Appropriations bill that would have zeroed out funding for the controversial National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).

“In light of our current budget shortfall, we must exercise financial restraint. The federal government must demonstrate a willingness to cut costs and economize just as any American family or business would do.

My opposition to the NEA cannot be perceived as opposition to the arts. True art can and should survive without federal funding. Despite the fact that the NEA was not established until 1965, many talented artists managed to bless us with their artistic contributions. At a time when government spending is at record levels, we must find ways to reduce spending.

Artists are free to express themselves as they choose, but the American taxpayer does not need to pay for it. Freedom of speech does not guarantee government funding. Private endowment not only provides artists with more creative freedom, but it also ensures that taxpayers are not forced to fund projects that they may find objectionable. Those who support the arts should do so with their own money, rather than with the mon