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Colorado Delegation Unites to Defend Rocky Flats Workers'Access to Health Care Benefits

Colorado Springs, CO – Today, every member of the Colorado Congressional Delegation wrote to the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health to urge that they speedily act on the Special Exposure Cohort Petition of the former Rocky Flats workers. The Board is meeting in Westminster, Colorado this week to make a recommendation to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on whether the former workers should be granted ‘Special Exposure Cohort’ or ‘SEC’ status.

In their letter, the delegation members reminded the Advisory Board of the runaround the federal government has given these Cold War veterans by denying and delaying the benefits that Congress had already authorized for these workers to compensate for illnesses caused by exposure to radiation and other toxic substances at Rocky Flats.

The following Colorado delegation members provided individual quotes urging the Board to recommend ‘Special Exposure Cohort’ status to the former Rocky Flats workers:

“Rocky Flats is closed and cleaned up, yet many former workers have still not received health care benefits for sicknesses due to radiation exposure they received while serving our Nation there; this is wrong,” said Senator Salazar. “The Advisory Board can help right that wrong by granting their SEC status so they can receive the benefits Congress approved. I urge the board to do what is right.”

“As a member of Congress who helped authorize the EEOICPA program, I know first-hand that Congress’s intent was to honor and care for our Cold War Veterans—our nation’s hero’s—who have become ill while working at Rocky Flats and other DOE facilities,” said Senator Allard. “This program is about people, science, and doing the right thing, not politics. The Rocky Flats SEC petition must be approved.”


"These workers, who so admirably served our nation, are sick and too many are dying." said Chief Deputy Whip Diana DeGette. "I am proud to join my congressional colleagues in Colorado to make sure these workers have the benefits and health care they need to attend to their work related ailments. They dedicated their lives to making us safe and served their country well, this is the least we can do for them."

“Once the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health hears the former Rocky Flats workers’ stories, I believe they will have no choice but to approve their petition for special cohort status,” said Congressman Udall. “Those workers served our country to help win the Cold War, the least we can do is deliver on our promise to provide them the benefits they deserve.”

"For years workers at Rocky Flats put their health on the line for the security of our nation, and they should not be given the runaround by the federal government when Congress has made it clear they should be given indemnity for prolonged exposure to radiation,” said Rep. Marilyn Musgrave.

"Congress has already authorized funding for these former Rocky Flats employees who have risked their health to serve their country," U.S. Rep. John Salazar (CO-3) said. "Not only is it our responsibility to keep our promise and ensure these people have the health care they need. It is the right thing to do."

"Congress intended for these workers to receive timely adjudication of their claim for fair compensation for illnesses caused by exposure to radiation and other toxic substances at Rocky Flats. The mismanagement and delays in providing these injured workers the compensation that Congress intended for them to receive is shocking and unjust. Approval of the pending Special Cohort Petition would provide peace of mind and make it easier to obtain benefits for former Rocky Flats workers with the kinds of cancer known to be caused by radiation," Congressman Ed Perlmutter said.

"The workers of Rocky Flats honorably served their nation,” said Congressman Doug Lamborn. “They and their families deserve to know that their service has been recognized and the health sacrifice debt will be paid by this government. This Special Cohort Petition should be reviewed promptly so these families can regain faith in their government to honor its promise."

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