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The House VA Subcommittee Sends National Veterans Cemetery Bill For Southern Colorado To Full Committee

Washington D.C. The House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs subcommittee, for which Rep. Lamborn is the ranking member, unanimously reported H.R. 1660 to the full committee for review. H.R. 1660, sponsored by Rep. Salazar, would create a new national cemetery for veterans across Southern Colorado.

Rep. Lamborn offered an amendment to H.R. 1660 that ensures the cemetery’s construction in El Paso County. On the second day after being sworn in as a new member in January, Rep. Lamborn introduced H.R. 295, which would direct the Secretary of Veteran’s affairs to establish a national cemetery for veterans in the four-county Pikes Peak region of Colorado.

“My position as ranking member on the subcommittee presiding over national cemeteries has given me a unique opportunity to represent Colorado’s veterans,” said Lamborn. “Similar bills over the years have been proposed, but have never moved within the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. With over 150,000 veterans, the Southern region of Colorado is one of the largest growing veteran’s communities in the country. It is important to focus our attention on the needs of these veterans and their families, ensuring the opportunity for brave men and women to be buried close to home.”

“I am pleased Rep. Salazar and I have been able to work together on a bipartisan basis for the good of all veterans and their families in Southern Colorado,” added Lamborn. “Our success to this point and beyond is based directly upon our ability to work together for the good of Colorado and our veterans.”

The bill, H.R. 1660, which would create a new national cemetery for veterans in Southern Colorado, now moves to the full committee for consideration.
