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Congressman Doug Lamborn issued the following statement regarding the President Bush's proposed budget

WASHINGTON – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement regarding the President Bush’s proposed budget:

“I would like to thank President Bush for the recent submission of the budget. The President’s budget proposal is an important first step in the federal budget process.  He has developed a blue print that establishes a clear goal of balancing the federal budget in five years without raising taxes on hard working Americans.”

“While Congress works to develop our own budget we must keep the goal of raising taxes at the forefront.  My fear is that the Democratic Majority will work to balance the budget by raising taxes – a proposition I cannot and will not support.”

“It is imperative the budget demonstrates the means to be fiscally responsible both in spending and in priorities, any budget Congress puts forward should be at the best interest of American workers and their families.”
