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Rep. Lamborn's Statements Following President Bush's Remarks on Iraq

Washington, Jan 10, 2007 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today issued the following statement regarding President Bush’s speech on Iraq and the War on Terror tonight:

“As Iraq remains the central front in the global war on terror, success remains the only option. The President’s plan addresses the stability, security, and economic problems plaguing Baghdad and other areas in Iraq.

The plan, developed by the Iraqis and US commanders, challenges the Iraq Security Forces to take the lead in combating terrorism and securing their country while asking the Gulf States and Iraq’s other neighbors to support them through increased financial and security responsibilities.

In today’s landscape of hostile enemies, America has a vital interest in enhancing the stability of a historically divided region and preventing the spread of terrorism. Victory will be a stable and democratic Iraq in which Iraqis can control sectarian violence, and American troops can begin coming home. 

I welcome a bipartisan and timely discussion on Iraq and hope to support the requests of the Commander in Chief and our military leadership. A vote against funding is a vote against the needs and requests of our military commanders, our troops, the Iraqi people, and the security and freedom of America.

Engaged since 9/11 and the early days of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, our brave men and women in uniform and their families must be commended on their service and commitment to fighting against those who threaten our nation’s stability and freedom.”