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About Senator Inhofe

        60 Plus Association "Guardian of Seniors' Rights"
        Alliance for Worker Freedom "Guardian of Worker Freedom"
        American Farm Bureau ‘Friend of Farm Bureau'
        Americans for Prosperity "Washington Award"
        Americans for Tax Reform's (ATR) "Hero of the Taxpayer Award"
           Family Research Council Action and Focus on the Family Action "True Blue" Award
        Guardian of Small Business by National Federation of Independent Business
        National Association of Manufacturers "Legislative Excellence Award"
        National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) “Charles Dick Medal of Merit”
        National Tax Limitation Committee's "Tax Fighter Award"
        Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association's (OIPA) "2008 Friend of the Wildcatter"
        Order of Brilliant Star for Promoting US-Taiwan Relations
        U.S. Chamber of Commerce's "Spirit of Enterprise Award"
           60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
           Alliance for Worker Freedom "Guardian of Worker Freedom" Award
           American Conservative Union's "Best & Brightest 2007"
           Americans for Tax Reform "Hero of the Taxpayer"
           American Shareholders Association's "Friend of the Shareholder" Award
           Family Research Council “True Blue Award”
           International Foodservice Distributors Association "Thomas Jefferson Award"
           National Guard Association of the United States' "Charles Dick Medal of Merit"
               National Institutes for Water Resources Award
           National Taxpayers Union “Taxpayers' Friend” Award
           Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association's "2008 Friend of the Wildcatter" Award
           U.S. Fish and Wildlife "Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Legislation of the Year Award"
           United States Border Control Hall of Fame Inductee: 100% Congressional Scorecard Rating
           United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union's "Best & Brightest Award"
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
Animal Enterprise Protection Coalition Award for Outstanding Leadership 2006
Associated Equipment Distributors “Legislative Leadership Award”
Contract Services Association Legislative Award
Club for Growth's 2006 "Defender of Economic Freedom"
Family Research Council “100% True Blue Award”
National Association of Development Organizations “Congressional Partnership Award”
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
Safari Club “Legislator of the Year Award”
Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation "Pioneer Award in Agriculture & Plant Science"
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council “Small Business Champion Award”
Theodore Roosevelt American Unity Award
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
Alliance for Marriage “Defender of Marriage Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
American Road and Transportation Builders Association “ARTBA Award”
Center for Security Policy “Keeper of the Flame Award”
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Award
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Bible Institute “Capitol Hill Biblical Leadership Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
Oklahoma Farm Bureau “Lifetime Achievement Award”
Oklahoma Pork Council Distinguished Service Award
Plumbing Manufacturers Institute Legislator of the Year 2005
Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation "Pioneer Award in Agriculture & Plant Science"
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council “Small Business Advocate of the Month”: June 2005
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council “Small Business Champion Award”
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
Eagle Forum “Eagle Award”
National Association of Chemical Distributors “Legislator of the Year”
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council “Small Business Champion Award”
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
U.S. Business and Industry Council “Defender of the National Interest Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
Washington Coal Club “Annual Achievement Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development “Public Advocate of the Year”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Rural Water Association “Green Key Environmental Award”
National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, Recognition
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
Oklahoma Aviation and Space Hall of Fame, Induction
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council “Small Business Champion Award”
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
Citizens Against Government Waste’s “Taxpayer Hero Award”
Lincoln Heritage Institute, Recognition
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council “Small Business Champion Award”
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
Agricultural Retailers Association “Legislator of the Year”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
Nuclear Energy Industry, Recognition
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Association of Manufacturers “Legislative Excellence Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
Southern Economic Development Council “Legislative Honor Roll Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise Award”
60 Plus Association “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Tax Limitation Committee “Tax Fighter Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
American Farm Bureau “Friend of the Farm Bureau”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
National Taxpayers Union “Friend of the Taxpayer Award”
American Conservative Union “Best & Brightest Award”
Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer”
National Federation of Independent Businesses “Small Business Guardian Award”
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