Data Privacy Links

ITA Privacy Policy


European Union Data Protection Resources:

European Data Protection Authorities Panel

European Commission's Data Protection Documents

Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data

European Union Member State Data Protection Authorities

Codes of Conduct/Privacy Frameworks:

Online Privacy Alliance

The alliance has developed guidelines for creating an effective privacy policy, establishing enforcement mechanisms, and protecting children's privacy online. The alliance is comprised of more than 40 global corporations and associations.

Privacy Leadership Initiative (PLI)

PLI has developed model practices for the exchange of personal information between business and consumers. Comprised of more than 20 companies and associations.

Network Advertising Initiative

Created by leading online advertisers engaged in "online profiling". Sets forth self-regulatory principles for online advertisers to protect consumers' privacy while engaging in online advertising.

Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce (GBDe)

A worldwide, CEO-led, business initiative, established in January 1999 to assist in the creation of a policy framework for the development of a global online economy. Has developed personal Data Protection Guidelines for online merchants, trustmark providers, and any other businesses.

AICPA/CICA Privacy Framework

The Assurance Services Executive Committee (ASEC) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Assurance Services Development Board (ASDB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) has issued an exposure draft of a proposed Privacy Framework. The proposed Framework provides criteria and related material for protecting the privacy of personal information and can be used by certified public accountants (CPAs) in the United States and chartered accountants (CAs) in Canada, both in industry and in public practice, to guide and assist the organizations they serve in implementing privacy programs.

Privacy Policy Generator Tools:

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Electronic commerce is a central element in the OECD's vision of the potential that the networked world holds for sustainable economic growth, more and better jobs, expanding world trade, and improved social conditions.

Direct Marketing Association (DMA)

This tool has been developed to help marketers create policies that are consistent with The DMA's Privacy Principles for Online Marketing.

Privacy "Seal" Programs/Verification (and/or Audit) Services:


TRUSTe is an independent, non-profit privacy organization whose mission is to build users' trust and confidence on the Internet and, in doing so, accelerate growth of the Internet industry. TRUSTe was founded by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the CommerceNet Consortium, who act as independent, unbiased trust entities.

The Better Business Bureau OnLine (BBBOnLine)

BBBOnLine is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Council of Better Business Bureaus. BBBOnLine's mission is to promote trust and confidence on the Internet through the BBBOnLine Reliability and Privacy Seal Programs. BBBOnLine's web site seal programs allow companies with web sites to display the seals once they have been evaluated and confirmed to meet the program requirements. The BBBOnLine Privacy Seal confirms a company stands behind its online privacy policy and has met the program requirements regarding the handling of personal information that is provided through its web site.

The Direct Marketing Association (The DMA)

The Direct Marketing Association (The DMA) is the largest trade association for businesses interested in interactive and database marketing. Companies displaying The DMA Member logo have committed to the association's Privacy Promise. The DMA's Privacy Promise is an assurance to consumers that U.S. marketers who are DMA members will use personal information in a manner that respects consumers’ wishes.

AICPA WebTrust

The WebTrust program is a set of e-commerce standards comprised of prevailing best practices and requirements from around the world; an independent verification that a site meets the standards; and a web trust seal.


SquareTrade's mission is to build trust in transactions and to create a better online trading experience. SquareTrade's services aim to help buyers identify trustworthy sellers they can buy from safely, as well as help good sellers show buyers that they can be trusted.

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)

ESRB Privacy Online addresses consumers' concerns regarding privacy by requiring Web publishers to develop and implement privacy policies and practices for their websites.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (Independent Recourse) Mechanisms:

In addition to the "seal" programs listed above, the following organizations provide dispute resolution services for their members/clients:

American Arbitration Association

The American Arbitration Association is available to resolve a range of disputes through mediation, arbitration, elections and other out-of-court settlement procedures. The American Arbitration Association assists in the design of ADR systems for corporations, unions, government agencies, law firms and the courts.


JAMS provides the highest quality dispute resolution services to our clients and to our local, national and global communities. JAMS' neutrals include the ADR industry's most respected mediators, arbitrators, private judges, facilitators, special masters (or referees) and neutral advisors.

Privacy Protection Training/Awareness:

U.S. Federal Trade Commission

Provides public information on privacy compliance initiatives and safeguards.


ISP organization that educates parents on tools and measures to protect their children's privacy and security online.

Center for Democracy and Technology and the Privacy Leadership Initiative

Created "privacy toolboxes" for online users, which are posted on their websites. These "toolboxes" typically tell users how they can limit disclosure of their personal information, what choices they have about how such information is used and shared, and under what circumstances they can access it.

Website provides means of consumer reporting in Internet privacy complaints and those relating to cross-border e-commerce transactions.

ITA Website Endorsement Policy

Links to websites outside the U.S. Federal Government, or the use of trade, firm or corporation names with the International Trade Administration websites, are for the convenience of the user. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the U.S. Commerce Department of any private sector website, product or service.