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About Estuaries Logo EstuaryLive - Equipment Considerations
What equipment will I need to participate in the LIVE broadcast?     

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The best way to participate in EstuaryLive via the Internet is with:
  • A computer with a high speed connection to watch the broadcast on the Internet
  • A digital projector connected to the computer for class viewing
  • An additional computer connected to the Internet for submitting questions
  • An additional computer connected to the Internet for background research (optional)

One of these two free software programs must be loaded onto the computer you will use to view EstuaryLive:

Most educators prefer Windows Media Player because there seem to be fewer problems with school security (firewalls) and other technical issues. Please note, in the past, there have been problems viewing EstuaryLive with Apple computers, though many people experience no problems.

Internet Connections

  • A higher speed Internet connection and a faster computer is recommended, if available.
  • A dialup connection and older computer, will work fine; however, it may provide a lower grade version of the program (video images will take longer to load and update, possibly interfering with your ability to view and participate in the program).

Streaming Speeds

  • On the day of the EstuaryLive broadcast, once you have the appropriate software installed, you will have a choice of streaming speeds.
  • Chose the streaming speed based on your Internet connection speed.

Testing Your System - We recommend that you:

  • Speak with your building's IT department to ensure that your computers are set up properly and that all of the appropriate software is installed
  • Make sure your school system’s firewall will allow you to access live streaming video. You may need to get special permission from your school system to access EstuaryLive.
  • Test your technology one week in advance of the program.
  • Take the time to ensure your technology is working correctly. Participating in EstuaryLive is easy once the technology (computers, software, Internet connection, etc.) is set up correctly.

Satellite Connection

EstuaryLive is also available via a KU band satellite connection. Downloading the satellite feed to a TV monitor will provide the best possible audio and video reception; however, classes will still need to have an active Internet connection to submit questions. Information about satellite coordinates will be provided three weeks before the broadcast takes place.

Closed Captioning is also available

Need More Information?

Last Updated on: 06-06-2008


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