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UNorm calculates U-values and temperatures, heat flows, and Ψ- or Χ-values in 2- and 3-dimensional thermal bridges. The program uses the same algorithms as DAVID-32, with two models, giving an upper and a lower limit for the heat flow when a thermal bridge is calculated. The text is in Swedish. An English version will be available in the summer 2009. Screen Shots


U-values, thermal bridges, temperatures, heat flows, computer program, freeware


UNormĀ conforms to all 4 cases of ISO 10211:2007, Annex A, for three-dimensional calculation programs. The test cases are available on The validation is also included in the program.

Expertise Required

Common knowledge of thermal transfer, thermal conductivities, and boundary conditions is required. Knowledge of the international and national standards for U-values and thermal bridges is recommended.


The program has users in Sweden. The number of users is unknown.


UNorm is directed to schools, researchers, architects, and building consultants.


Input can be done by modifying an example or a saved case. Help is shown automatically when pointing at an input parameter. There is also a separate help section, where answers to most questions can be found. Seven demo cases are included, where the input of data is explained in detail.


The results are presented in tables (U-values) and graphs (thermal bridges). Both input and output data are shown on the same screen, and the program is designed for sensibility analysis. Hence, the screens seem to be messy at first, but after a while, the user hopefully will find the advantage with this design. It is easy to see the effect of a change in input data.

Computer Platform

PC computers

Programming Language

Visual Basic 2008 Express edition.


The program is fast and exact, as the algorithms from DAVID-32 are used. Input and output data are seen on the same screen. Demo cases, detailed help, and explanations are included.


There is no output report. The screen can be copied with the Print Screen button.









The program can be downloaded free of charge from

Printable Version

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U.S. Department of Energy