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Degree Day .Net

Logo for Degree

Website that generates heating and cooling degree days for locations worldwide. Degree days are commonly used in calculations relating to building energy consumption.

Once you have chosen a weather station (of which there are thousands available) and specified the degree days you want (e.g. what base temperature, do you want them broken down in daily, weekly or monthly format), Degree will calculate your degree days, and give them to you as a CSV file that you can open directly in a spreadsheet. Screen Shots


degree days, HDD, CDD


A comprehensive suite of automated tests have been written to test the software.

Expertise Required

Degree makes it very easy to specify and generate degree days, so no specific expertise are required to use the tool itself. However, expertise are required to use the generated degree days effectively. The website does link to information on how to use degree days, but it is assumed that the user is already familiar with degree days and what to do with them.


Over a thousand people generated and downloaded data from Degree in its first few weeks of operation. The total number of regular users is growing rapidly with time.


Energy professionals that use degree days for calculations relating to the heating and cooling energy consumption of buildings.


Users choose a weather station for the degree days that they wish to generate. There are also a number of options that can either be left as default or modified to control the type and format of degree days that are generated (heating or cooling, Celsius or Fahrenheit, base temperature, daily, weekly, monthly or average breakdown).


The generated degree days are presented to the user as a CSV file that can be opened directly in spreadsheet software such as Excel.

Computer Platform

Internet Explorer (version 6 and above), Firefox, Opera, and Safari (version 2 and above).

Programming Language

Java, Javascript


Degree offers advanced options for generating degree days with different base temperatures and timescales (daily, weekly, monthly).


Many of the weather stations that are accessible through Degree have missing or erroneous data. The tool does alert the user when it comes across such problem data, but this does mean that finding a good weather station to use as a source of degree days can be more time consuming than would be ideal. Fortunately there are thousands of weather stations on offer, so it's rare for it to be impossible to find a good weather station near any particular location.



BizEE Software


21 Maple Crescent
Swansea SA2 0QD
United Kingdom


+44 (845) 174 6024




Degree is a free web tool available here.

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