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Thank you for visiting my official website. It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Virginia in the United States Senate.

I believe that effective communication with Virginians is essential to my work here in Washington. I hope you will visit often and share your thoughts and concerns with me.

I look forward to working with you in the years ahead,
Jim Webb

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Pres. Obama, V.P. Biden, VA Sec. Shinseki, Sens. Webb & Warner Celebrate the Launch of Post-9/11 GI Bill

August 3, 2009 - At George Mason University, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) was joined by President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of VA Eric Shinseki, former Senator John Warner, and student veterans at an event celebrating the enactment of Webb's "Post-9/11 GI Bill," which offers comprehensive educational benefits to veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. On Saturday, August 1, the Department of Veterans Affairs began distributing tuition payments to schools across the nation participating in the program.

This program, introduced in Congress by Senator Webb on his first day of office in 2007 and enacted into law last June, authorizes the most extensive educational assistance opportunity since the passage of the original GI Bill in 1944. The maximum benefit allows every eligible veteran, servicemember, Reservist, and National Guard member an opportunity to receive an in-state, undergraduate education at a public institution at no cost.

"Our reward is going to be 20 years from now when we can look around and see the successes that have been able to happen to people who are serving now because of this GI Bill," said Senator Webb.

To read more about Sen. Webb's GI Bill click here »
For more information about the new GI Bill and eligibility, call 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)
or visit the VA website:

Webb Introduces Bill to to Strengthen Adult Education, Workforce

July 16, 2009 - Senator Jim Webb introduced the the "Adult Education and Economic Growth (AEEG) Act of 2009," which will reform and increase investment in job training, adult education and other programs needed to build a 21st century workforce.

"The American workplace has seen many changes over the past ten years, and the need for well-trained and highly skilled workers has increased dramatically. At the same time, our adult education system has not kept pace with this changing workforce," said Webb. "One of the biggest impacts we can have on our economic future is to ensure that as many workers as possible are able to improve the skills and credentials needed to compete in our global economy."

Statement of Senator Webb on Metro Tragedy

June 23, 2009 - Senator Jim Webb released the following statement on the Metro tragedy in Northeast Washington, DC:

"The events of Monday evening draw heightened attention to safety conditions on the Capital region's highly-utilized Metro system. With Metrorail transporting an average of one million riders each workday, we have a responsibility to ensure that vital infrastructure upgrades and safety recommendations are implemented in an appropriate time and manner.

"I intend to work closely with my colleagues in Congress and area leaders to determine how such a disaster could have occurred and what measures must be carried out in the near-term to prevent further incidents that jeopardize passenger safety."

To read the full press release, please click here.

At Judiciary hearing, Experts Advocate for Sen. Webb's Bill to Overhaul America's Criminal Justice System

June 11, 2009 - Experts from the legal and law enforcement communities urged passage of Senator Jim Webb's legislation to comprehensively review and reform the nation?s criminal justice system. The testimony before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs advances Webb's National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009, S.714-at a time of growing national support for the legislation.

The bill has twenty-nine cosponsors in the Senate, including many senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the endorsements of dozens of organizations and associations, representing a broad range of organizations. [For a full list of supporters, visit:]

Chief William Bratton of the Los Angeles Police Department testified on the bill: "I believe that such a debate is long overdue on the national level and I agree that we need a contemporary, widespread and far-reaching review of our entire criminal justice system in order to better serve and protect the public. We must focus on preventing crime before it occurs rather than respond to it after it does."

Webb Supports Measure to Protect Consumers, Reform Credit Card Practices

May 19, 2009 - Senator Jim Webb supported the Senate passage of legislation to protect consumers and crack down on unfair and deceptive credit card company practices that result in undisclosed fees and rate increases. The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (the "CARD Act") passed with bipartisan Senate support.

"The CARD Act is focused on improving corporate accountability and protecting consumers from the unacceptable practices of credit card companies that have gone unchecked for too long," said Senator Webb. "While consumers must take responsibility for their financial decisions, the credit card industry has an equal responsibility to be fair to its customers."

To read the entire press release, please click here »

As Richmond-Area Jobs Are Cut, Webb Urges Defense Department to End Practices that Send Jobs Overseas

May 8, 2009 - Senator Webb called on Secretary of Defense Gates to discontinue two unwarranted exemptions related to the purchase of fibers from foreign suppliers, resulting in manufacturing jobs being shipped overseas. Webb said that a prompt review by the Department of Defense will clearly document why the exceptions should not be applied for defense-related procurements, when domestic materials are readily available.

The letter comes on the heels of DuPont's announcement to cut 2,000 jobs, including an estimated 500 salaried and hourly-wage jobs at the company's Spruance plant in Richmond. The Richmond plant is DuPont's largest manufacturing site in terms of employment and capital investment. It serves as the global headquarters for the company?s business units that produce the widely-known Kevlar and Tyvek products.

"There is simply no justification for foreign-based procurement of materials needed for defense products when such items are now available in the U.S. marketplace," said Senator Jim Webb. "Domestic materials are not only available, but U.S. manufacturers in Virginia and across the country are suffering severe job losses because we are not adequately procuring them."

To read the entire press release, please click here »

To view a complete copy of the letter from Senators Webb and Graham to Secretary Gates, please click here »

Senators Webb & Warner Announce $77.3 Million in Stimulus Funds. Will Be Used to Accelerate Dulles Rail Expansion

Washington, DC - U.S. Senators Jim Webb and Mark R. Warner today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation will release $77.3 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to accelerate work on Northern Virginia's Dulles Corridor Metrorail extension. The Federal Transit Administration has already entered into a multi-year funding grant agreement for the Dulles Rail project, and the grant announced today does not increase that federal commitment but will expedite the release of the federal funding.

"Today's $77.3 million investment brings Northern Virginians one step closer to a crucial Metrorail extension that will relieve congestion, improve quality of life and foster sustained economic growth in the region," said Senator Jim Webb. "I have said consistently that stimulus funds devoted to infrastructure development will benefit the Commonwealth most--putting people to work and at the same time benefiting the nation's capital needs."

To read the entire release, please click here »

Senator Webb's Virginia Tour of Criminal Justice Underscores Need for Reform

April 20, 2009 - While Congress was adjourned for the district work period, Senator Webb visited various facilities related to the criminal justice system during a week-long tour through Virginia. With an eye toward reforming our system, the trip provided an opportunity to take a first-hand look at the problems and potential in our jails and rehabilitation programs.

Senator Webb's tour began at the Bragg Hill Family Life Center in Fredericksburg, followed by a visit to the Richmond City Jail and tour of The Healing Place, a Richmond-based rehabilitation facility. He concluded the trip in Charlottesville at the annual conference of Virginia-based federal public defenders and Criminal Justice Act (CJA) panel attorneys, who represent indigent defendants, where he delivered the keynote address.

The sobering experience of walking through the Richmond City Jail fortified the Senator's determination to get the legislation that he introduced--the National Criminal Justice Commission Act--passed this year. "It is in the self-interest of every American that we dedicate time and energy to truly evaluate and reform our criminal justice system," said Webb.

Senator Webb Calls for Hearings into Upsurge in Piracy

April 20, 2009 - Senator Webb sent letters to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations (SFRC) and Armed Services (SASC), calling for hearings into the upsurge in piracy off the coast of Somalia. Webb has been outspoken about the need for forceful measures to reduce piracy and prevent the kind of incident experienced off the Somali Coast the weekend of April 18th.

"Piracy should not be tolerated. It is a violation of international law, and for centuries the use of force to stop it has been supported by virtually every nation," wrote Webb.

He proposed that the Committees address a number of issues, including the administration's efforts to bolster the authority of the transitional Somali government and greater international cooperation in reestablishing maritime security and freedom of the seas for all nations.

Today in the Senate

August 10, 2009:

The Senate will convene at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, August 10 for a pro forma session only.  Following the pro forma session, the Senate will adjourn under the provisions of  H. Con. Res. 172, the adjournment resolution, until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8.

On Tuesday, September 8, the Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. and will be in a period of morning business until 4:30 p.m. with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of S. 1023, the Travel Promotion Act.


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