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Asia and the Pacific

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Map of Asia Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Burma (Myanmar) Fiji Hong Kong Laos Nauru New Caledonia Singapore Solomon Islands Vietnam New Zealand Australia Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines Malaysia Taiwan Japan Laos Thailand Burma (Myanmar) India Pakistan Afghanistan China Mongolia Nepal Republic of Korea Korea, North Japan Taiwan Indonesia New Zealand Afghanistan Pakistan Vietnam Philippines Burma (Myanmar) Thailand Cambodia Korea, North Republic of Korea Malaysia Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nepal Papua New Guinea East Timor East Timor

Listed below are international publications and chapters from the Minerals Yearbook (Volume III. -- Area Reports: International). These annual reviews are designed to provide timely statistical data on mineral commodities in various countries. Each report includes sections on government policies and programs, environmental issues, trade and production data, industry structure and ownership, commodity sector developments, infrastructure, and a summary outlook.

Availability: | WWW | CD-ROM | PRINTED COPIES (Bound Volume) |

If you are interested in receiving an email notice when a publication is added to this page, please refer to Minerals Information List Services.

To view or print a document in PDF format, download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Asia and the Pacific Summary

Afghanistan - Map (GIF) (Key)


Bangladesh - Map (GIF) (Key)


Brunei - Map (GIF) (Key)

Burma (Myanmar) - Map (GIF) (Key)

Cambodia - Map (GIF) (Key)

Contact: USGS Country Specialist


Contact: USGS Country Specialist

Christmas Island - Map (GIF) (Key)

East Timor

Fiji - Map (GIF) (Key)

Hong Kong - Map (GIF) (Key)

India - Map (GIF) (Key)

Indonesia - Map (GIF) (Key)

Japan - Map (GIF) (Key)

Korea, North - Map (GIF) (Key)

Korea, Republic of - Map (GIF) (Key)

Laos - Map (GIF) (Key)

Malaysia - Map (GIF) (Key)

Mongolia - Map (GIF) (Key)

Nauru - Map (GIF) (Key)

Nepal - Map (GIF) (Key)

New Caledonia - Map (GIF) (Key)

New Zealand - Map (GIF) (Key)

Pakistan - Map (GIF) (Key)

Papua New Guinea - Map (GIF) (Key)

Philippines - Map (GIF) (Key)

Singapore - Map (GIF) (Key)

Solomon Islands - Map (GIF) (Key)

Sri Lanka - Map (GIF) (Key)

Taiwan - Map (GIF) (Key)

Thailand - Map (GIF) (Key)

Vietnam - Map (GIF) (Key)

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