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U.S. Geological Survey
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USGS Geological Research Activities with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Hazards projects (Earthquake, Volcanoes, Landslides)

Landslides and their effects on salmon habitat at Hanford Reach National Monument and vicinity, southeastern Washington (Landslide Hazards)

  • USFWS requested the USGS submit a research proposal aimed at providing the information needed to help determine the most effective remedial strategies for landslides along the White Bluffs at Hanford Reach. The resulting USGS proposal is a five-year program that is multidisciplinary in focus and relies on geologic understanding of landslides and hydrologic and biologic expertise. If funding becomes available, research will start in fiscal year 2005.

    Rex Baum, Denver, CO





































January 6, 2004