Fermi Science Support Center

News Archive for 2004

October 24, 2004

Launch in May 2007

As a result of the expected but unpredictable technical challenges in developing an advanced new detector such as the LAT, the GLAST launch readiness date is now May 2007.

September 9, 2004

GLAST Session at HEAD Meeting

A session devoted to GLAST and its relationship to astrophysics in non-gamma ray wavelength bands was held at the 8th meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in New Orleans. Steve Ritz provided an overview of the mission and its scientific goals. Richard Mushotzky predicted that GLAST will bring gamma-ray astronomy to the level that ROSAT and ASCA brought X-ray astronomy, and discussed the synergy between GLAST and X-ray missions. Ann Wehrle pointed out that the community needs to plan for the one year overlap between Spitzer (an IR mission with consumables that limit the mission duration) and GLAST. Roger Romani discussed the radio surveys necessary before GLAST`s launch to catalog the pulsars and blazars (particularly Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars) that GLAST is likely to detect. Tom Stephens presented a poster on the GSSC`s support of the scientific community.

August 19, 2004

GLAST Ground System Design Review

The Ground System Design Review was held at Goddard August 18-19, 2004, to evaluate the design of the different elements of the GLAST ground system and their interfaces. The review panel was impressed with the maturity of the designs so far before launch. The success of this review formally permits the implementation of these designs to proceed (although many `prototypes` have been created!).

August 10, 2004

GLAST Users` Committee Meeting

The GLAST Users` Committee (GUC) held its second meeting 8/9-10 at Goddard. The committee reviewed plans for the support of the user community and considered guest investigator program and data access policy issues.

July 13, 2004

GSSC Detailed Design Peer Review

The GSSC Detailed Design Peer Review was held today. This is the last GSSC-only review before the Ground System Design Review that will be held 18-19 August.

May 10, 2004

GLAST Collaboration Meeting Announced

The next GLAST LAT Collaboration meeting will be held at Stanford University - SLAC on September 27-29, 2004. The collaboration meeting will be followed by a one day symposium, sponsored jointly with the NASA GLAST Mission Science Working Group, on GLAST - Ground-based TeV observations during the GLAST era. This meeting will also be at SLAC.

February 03, 2004

The Data Challenge 1 Close-Out Meeting

The data challenge 1 close-out meeting will take place on 12-13 February 2004.
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