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Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program

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 Information by State
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What's New

HOPWA Oversight Resource Guide
This resource has been designed to help grantees fulfill their monitoring obligations and to ensure project sponsors understand the standards against which they are being monitored. To view this guide
click here...

HOPWA Performance Profiles
HOPWA Performance Profiles are posted quarterly and can be found

2009 Formula Grant Allocations
The official 2009 formula grant allocation amounts are now posted on HUD’s web site. The announcement letters of these allocations are being mailed by HUD to the chief elected officials of each formula grantee.

Helpful Tools
HUDHRE.info header image HUDHRE.info
HUD List Serv header image HOPWA Listserv Sign-up
AIDS.gov header image AIDS.gov

Local Resources
To find local HIV/AIDS Housing Assistance, contact your local HUD Field Office or local grantee.
Local Resources...


HUD's Office of HIV/AIDS Housing manages the HOPWA program in collaboration with 44 state and area CPD offices in providing guidance and program oversight. The Office works with other HUD offices to ensure that all HUD programs and initiatives are responsive to the special needs of people with HIV/AIDS. One of the primary functions of the Office is to administer the Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) program through providing guidance and oversight.

HOPWA Programs

HOPWA funds are awarded as grants from one of three programs:

  • The HOPWA Formula Program uses a statutory method to allocate HOPWA funds to eligible States and cities on behalf of their metropolitan areas. HOPWA formula grants are part of the consolidated planning process.

  • The HOPWA Competitive Program is a national competition to select model projects or programs.

  • The HOPWA National Technical Assistance Funding awards are provided to strengthen the management, operation, and capacity of HOPWA grantees, project sponsors, and potential applicants of HOPWA funding.

HOPWA funding provides housing assistance and related supportive services and grantees are encouraged to develop community-wide strategies and form partnerships with area nonprofit organizations.HOPWA funds may be used for a wide range of housing, social services, program planning, and development costs. These include, but are not limited to, the acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of housing units; costs for facility operations; rental assistance; and short-term payments to prevent homelessness. HOPWA funds also may be used for health care and mental health services, chemical dependency treatment, nutritional services, case management, assistance with daily living, and other supportive services.

Content current as of 10 July 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to Top   
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