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The Leader's Blog

Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» Hoyer Statement on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, July 14, 2008
The stability of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is crucial to America's mortgage market.
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» Test video, July 14, 2008
test video
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» THE DAILY LEADER: MONDAY, JULY 14, 2008, July 13, 2008
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» Hoyer Statement on Death of Tony Snow, July 12, 2008
WASHINGTON - House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer released the following statement today in reaction to the death of Tony Snow:
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF JULY 14, 2008, July 11, 2008
Suspensions,H.R. 415 - To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act,H.R. 5959 - FY09 Intelligence Authorization Act,H.R. 3999 - The National Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Inspection Act
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» THE LEADER'S REPORT: WEEK OF JULY 07, 2008, July 11, 2008
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» Hoyer Statement on Bush Remarks on Energy, July 11, 2008
With the price of gas at $4.11 a gallon, President Bush insists on spreading blame, not finding solutions. He tells us that Democrats stand against increasing oil production here at home, but he couldn't be more wrong.
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» Congress Acts to Protect Medicare for America's Seniors, July 11, 2008
The Senate passed the “Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act” by a veto-proof margin of 69 to 30 on July 9. The House overwhelmingly passed the same bill by a vote of 355 to 59 on June 24.
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» Hoyer Statement on McCain Advisor Calling Americans Hit by Weak Economy “Nation of Whiners”, July 10, 2008
Phil Gramm, John McCain’s top economic advisor and a former Republican Senator, did us all a favor yesterday: He gave us a candid glimpse of Republicans’ economic mindset.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Upcoming Energy Legislation, July 10, 2008
Three years ago, the Republican Congress passed and President Bush signed into law this administration’s shortsighted energy policy. And today, we see the result – record high gas prices and a struggling economy.
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» Discussing Energy Industry and Energy Policy on House Floor, July 10, 2008
I see the distinguished minority leader rise. I see other members on that side of the aisle rise, beat their chest about drilling. My side of the aisle is for drilling. We just had a press conference on drilling, but as i sit there, i think to myself, you know, the american people gave the opportunity to the republican party...
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» THE DAILY LEADER: THURSDAY, JULY 10, 2008, July 09, 2008
Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail Designation Act and Motion to Go to Conference on H.R. 3121 - Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Urges President Bush to Reconsider Veto Threat on Medicare Bill, July 09, 2008
The Senate’s passage of this important legislation today is yet another example of what can happen when enough Republicans put the needs of their constituents before their party and join Democrats in making progress for the American people.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 2008, July 08, 2008
Suspensions, Electronic Message Preservation Act
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» THE DAILY LEADER: TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2008, July 07, 2008
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» Unimpaired Rights, July 06, 2008
THE AMERICANS With Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, was supposed to level the playing field for the disabled. It ended up helping some more than others.
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF JULY 07, 2008, July 03, 2008
Electronic Message Preservation Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail Designation Act and Suspensions
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» Hoyer Statement on Anniversary of Civil Rights Act, July 02, 2008
Forty-four years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law, a milestone in the constant struggle for equality for all.
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» Hoyer Statement on Student Loan Interest Rates Cut, July 01, 2008
With today’s weakening economy putting pressure on the budgets of American families and tuition prices continuing to soar, the high cost of college remains a top concern for many Americans.
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» THE LEADER'S REPORT: WEEK OF JUNE 23, 2008, June 27, 2008
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» Hoyer: Energy Bills Seek to Provide Relief at the Pump, Wean Nation Off Foreign Oil, June 26, 2008
Mr. Speaker, I first want to thank Chairman Oberstar for his hard work and leadership in bringing this important legislation to the Floor.
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» Hoyer to Senate Republicans: Stop Blocking Help for Doctors and Seniors, June 26, 2008
Earlier this week, the House passed the Medicare Improvements bill with overwhelming bipartisan support to ensure that seniors continue to have access to the care they need.
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» Discussing Energy Policy, June 26, 2008
This bill as well as the other two bills considered on this floor today on drilling and market speculation is a clear recognition by this house majority that america's energy policy cannot be one dimensional...
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» THE DAILY LEADER: THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2008, June 25, 2008
Suspensions, Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act
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» Hoyer Statement on 70th Anniversary of Fair Labor Standards Act, June 25, 2008
Seventy years ago today, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into law the Fair Labor Standards Act—a landmark piece of legislation that extended protections to millions of American workers and set the precedent for decades of Democratic efforts to uphold fairness in the workplace.
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